Trans Am

May 11, 2009 01:27

Promises Promises.

Im feeling a life change.Maybe a move or something major...I have been thinking about New York or Chicago for some reason.

Ill probably end up just cutting my hair and calling it a day.

Its 1:30 and I'm exhausted but for some reason I cant sleep. After this journal entry, this will be the most I have written in a long time. Im glad that LJ isnt a huge thing anymore. Now its serving the original purpose...for people to write their thoughts down and not be a big deal.

thanks LJ

Colbie Callait has been a significant part of my life play-list recently...weird? maybe. I don't even like her all that much but for some reason I'm going through a phase.

I think its interesting that people call this country progressive. Where have we progressed from? What are we progressing to? War, poverty, failing education system, crime...really?
Some of those things will always be there, but I don't really understand how we put ourselves as a nation so far above everyone else. There are people in other countries that are so much happier than we are.Granted there are so many people in this world that have it so much harder as well...people who cant practice their religion, marry who they want, eat when they want, sleep when they want, see their children, have heat in the winter....the list goes on.However, so many customers come in to my work every day from other countries and cant help but ask "why am I even here?" maybe we have formed a society where we have set up all of these expectations (money, huge cars,new phones, everything at the tip of our fingers, the easy button..) and when our lives don't meet them, we have no idea what to do.

Its kind of like when you meet someone new. You get all excited and sometimes carried away. You wonder why they dont call you every second or why its been a week and they arent calling you babe (or Habib ti). You begin to doubt them, the situation and yourself.It leads to self-evaluation, self-esteem issues, depression, stress eating etc.

And then you're fucked.

Is that what happened? As a nation have we met the dream, and they never called us back?

Oy Vey.

I think my biggest fear is missing out on something. I try to to a million things at once, be everywhere and try to be a part of everything.In the back of my head I feel that if I dont do everything I will miss out on something and regret it. Although, how can you miss something that was never there?

My Music Theory professor asked me where I see myself in 5 years. I couldnt give him an answer.I feel like thats bad. Maybe thats lack of motivation or determination?? mmmmm no. I think I just dont have a crystal ball. But you know if I said, "In 5 years I see myself as a dog walker in Riverside California" and thats what I wanted to do, then Im doing it. Its not what I really want to do but what Im trying to say is that SO many people (including myself) give an excuse that sounds like "well we'll see where life takes me".No. Its your life. You take it where YOU want to go. Its annoying and borderline lazy. Bust your ass, and if things dont happen, then they dont. Any situation is hopeless when you say its hopeless.

I wish I could take my own advice.

boo boo kitty rawrrr

As annoying as they are, pursss are the greatest sounds ever.

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