May 09, 2009 03:00
So I have to work in 7 hours...not that bad. Bux is great. Iced Coffee is great. scene.
Lots to think about, lots to consider and my whole life could go one way or another in the matter of two weeks.Its insane. Everything happens for a reason, but I cant help feeling apprehensive about this particular fork in the road.
I spent some of this year thinking that I am not happy with my life. I got over it....quick. Life is what you make it and if you have a negative attitude, you are going to hate it. Its too short, too quick to take for granted. Every time I get on here I feel nostalgic (shock) and think about how quickly everything is going....and I get nauseated while reading my past entriez. how annoying.
I'm over relationships. I want to go to every younger kid out there who is freaking out about having a bf/gf and slap them in the face.Its NOT the end all be all. It does NOT define you, nor should it control you.Some handle it better than others....some call it a blessing, but honestly I don't even know what I would call it. Relationships are in a category of their own, along with Madam Lambert and The War On Terror. No one knows what to do about it, no one knows how to feel and there are so many different opinions,feelings,vantage points...its honestly exhausting.
Can I please express how much I miss not having to worry about 426523567345 things. Why is it that reality hits you like a ton of bricks annually after high school?
Things I have recently learned more about (and some have grown to accept more) :
-Fish Community of the greater Detroit Area (z)
-The Human Body
-Auto Mechanikz
-Customerz of SBUX 12 and OOH
and above all,
I hear birds...time for bed.
"and they started a band and they have a myspace page...its called kitty litter or something....i was like lezbiaaannn"