(no subject)

Jan 26, 2006 10:20

So Israel is finally facing it's just desserts. Hamas, the militant "Destruction to Israel" group is sweeping the Palestinian elections right now. I do not agree with Hamas, I do not believe Israel should be destroyed, however I do believe it serves them right to wind up with a next door neighbor that will be able to show them the same hate that they've shown the Palestinian people since long before the 1948 creation of the Israeli state. How does one justify what the Israeli people did, continue to do? Throwing an entire population out of their homes with military force, pushing them into refugee camps where they lived for years in tents. Bulldozing their settlements, blowing up their police stations. So much terrorism, yet the only thing the world ever hears about is the extremely radical Palestinian who strapped a bomb to himself and killed 3 people. Do you know what they do when they find out where that man came from? They go to his town with tanks, they destroy homes, they terrorize and bring harm to it's citizens, all as a demonstration to any others that may be getting a crazy idea in their head. Palestinian does not equal suicide bomber though. A Palestinian is a humanbeing just like any other humanbeing amongst us, and they deserve the right to be recognized as so. Yes, there are some radical extremist-type characters out there, but you can't label all Arabs as being so just because you get a group that is. Israel has been unrelenting and it's taken far too long to show these people some dignity, so I think it's deserving that their hatred is now getting thrown back at them by the Palestinian people electing a party that absolutely hates Israel. Your comprimising and cooperation comes too late Israel, you've spent the past 60 years spawning a race of people who have nothing but malice for you. Peace? Negotiations? The wheel doesn't turn that fast, you can't expect anything more from these people then you've shown them, you created your own enemy by treating them that way this last century. Now they are your enemy, now you get to reap the actions of your uncaring nation. Good luck in your future, I hope it doesn't come to war and more death, but if it does, it's your own fault.
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