Sep 18, 2008 09:29
It's rare that I have a dream that continues even after I wake up. Actually, scratch that, I've never continued a dream after waking up. It always changes. That's what makes this particularly interesting to me.
I was in a big city, probably a major city, with a few of my close friends. Their faces were vague, so I dont remember who exactly was with me. We were just hanging out around town when abruptly we heard this monsterous thunder. The sky was clear. There was no rain in the forecast for a week. Curious, we stepped outside. That's when we heard it. An ear-piercing low screaching roar. I know that doesnt make sense, but that's what it was. It rumbled the buildings and shook windows, and then came another thunder from just down the street from us. We walked around to the corner of the building and saw it. It was horrible. It was terrifying. It was a massive, 20-30 story high ball of flesh with gruesome glowing slits for eyes and a mouth with more teeth than I've ever seen before. Each tooth was probably the size of two grown men standing on top of eachother. It let out another howl and threw a body down the street. It smacked against the building behind us and splattered in red confetti (realistically.. I'm just using.. descriptive words). The beast had tenticles. How many? I could never count. I never stuck around long enough to. But they stretched for blocks. Weaving in and out of cars, picking up people and either throwing them at things and watching their red cloud spray into the air upon impact or lunging them into its massive jaws. Needless to say, we ran. We weaved in and out of deserted cars and screaming, crying people.
I woke up. I even got up to let the dogs out before continuing.
We ran as far as we could until we came upon an Edwards Grocery. Yes, odd, dont ask, I dont even know. For some reason, it had a seven story basement. Seven layers of hell, if you ask me. This seemed to be the safest place to go though. Far below the chaos that thrived on the surface. We dashed inside, I slipped on the tile floor. I'm not sure if my shoes were slick from water, though it hadnt rained in a while, or the blood of the masses. Regardless, we made our way to the back of the building and downstairs. One, two, three stories. We coudlnt hear anything from above, so we decided to stop there. I tried to use my cell phone to contact loved ones, but my battery was dying. Strangely, I still had signal down there. As I fiddled with that, one of the people with me pulled out a lighter to start up a cigarette. And that's when we saw it. At first it was just a red, glowing fabric, lighted from the small flame. I raised my phone up to illuminate it better. Now, I've collected dragons all my life, and I've never been as horrified by one until just then. It moved, brushing it's back against the low ceiling throwing dust into the air. How it fit down here, I'm not sure. I was too stunned to move, but my friends instantly ran. I slammed my phone against my side, hoping that lack of light would save me. The dragon raised it's head to mine. Sniff. Sniff. I felt it's nose against my hair. I was trembling. Then, it licked me. One slimey tounge against my face. That did it. I bolted. The dragon shrieked and started slythering after me as fast as it could. Fortunately, I was faster because I wasnt the one crammed in such a small space for my size. I made it up top to find my friends in tears, hugging me, thankful I was alive.
I woke up again. Even got up to get a drink.
Then we were on the outskirts of the city. In a parkinglot. Trying to decide what to do next. Would we ever get a break? I was panting, my chest on fire. I'd never run like this before. But when I looked up, at the end of the parking lot was another mass. No, a horde. Zombies was the best word I had for them. Some of them were covered in blood, others were missing limbs, some just looked mindless. They were running towards us though. GO! I yelled. We ran again, curving ourselves around the horde, so as to not go back into the middle of the city, and headed to the woods in the distance.
Now, about that time I was beginning to wake up and stay awake, so the dream kind of ended there. I'm out of time to type more though. So this will have to do. I just thought I'd share this odd dream with the myspace community. :D