Nov 22, 2005 14:52
No schooooool! let me know if you want to do something.
Did the "thanksgiving shopping" yesterday. I almost hit an old lady with a shopping cart when I went to get one and then i apologized 932485 times and offered her mine. which she didnt take- talk about rude!
aww just kidding.
I mean i really did almost hit her- but she wasnt rude.
we had a stonge/wiley party today which was awesome. we seriously need to have combined english classes like that- a SUPERCLASS.
I just got my SAT scores online. and i feel stupid for saying this but.. i have no idea if i did fairly well, average, or fairly bad. I hate scores. your mission, whether or not you chose to accept it, is to help me figure out if i did bad or not.
edit: rachel completed the mission but thanks!
ps- i went to sams and came out with angela's ashes and another book called "are men necessary?: the sexes collide". yes, that is awesome isnt it- and i bought it with my dad.