Aug 03, 2009 10:15
So, Forum is over and I've got one more under my belt. I think the first night of the show was the best--best weather, no wind. Thursday night went OK, but it got really cold and there was condensation all over everything. A lot like the weather for Ocean last year. Getting there and back though was interesting. And by "interesting" I mean a total @#$%ing nightmare. Because MnDOT apparently decided to do ALL their road construction projects AT ONCE, not only is the ENTIRE town ripped up (I'm not even kidding--I can't go a quarter mile from my place without running into it! >:|), the road I was going to take to get out there was also ripped up. Now, it was at this big greenhouse place out in the middle of nowhere, and it was a fundraiser for GREAT Theater--like, drinks and hors d'ouvres $25 a plate, and no little kids running around (yay!). Anyway, so I get to the road and see it's torn up; I see another car go down it, so I follow. The other car goes half a mile or so and turns around, so I stop and ask if they're trying to get there too. They were, so I start to follow them; I also call Bobbi on my cell phone to see what to do. I talked to Chad, the trumpet player (who by the way also works in the meat dept. at the store where I work) who gave me the directions that everyone else got, but I didn't because I was at work all afternoon and didn't get the email. *facepalm* I eventually got there and it was all good. Then when I left, I was going to take the same way back. I was following another car, hoping they would turn at the same place, but they kept going and I missed the turn, so being the dumbass I sometimes am I kept following them. Figured if they could get through, so could I! So I was driving down the ripped up road, and it had rained hard earlier so it was soft and I almost got stuck a couple of times (I love my front-wheel drive! XD), and I didn't know the road so I had no idea where it was going, I just knew eventually I would get back to the road that would take me into St. Joseph. It was scary; my poor car! I probably left parts lying in the road. :(
I still have photos to post from it, but haven't uploaded them yet.
Anyway. I didn't ask Kevin about clarinet lessons yet. Maybe I don't really need any; what I need first is a better clarinet. I am getting better at it; that is the most important thing to practice right now. I think I do better studying on my own anyway because then I can figure it out at my own pace and interpret the music as I see fit and not have some teacher telling me I have to play it a certain way. (Some of you might remember back when I was in college how much I bitched about how some of my teachers wanted me to play things the way THEY wanted it and I wasn't having it. ^_^) Anyway a lot of things I learned about playing saxophone can be transferred to playing clarinet. So I have about a year or less; I plan to audition after the 4th of July, and with any luck be out of here by winter.
Here is a list of what I need to get done yet:
-buy a better clarinet
-memorize all the scales
-record some audition material/make demo CD
-set up a web site with said audio
-have a formal portrait done
-finish getting my teeth fixed/wisdom teeth out
I have a lot of friends who are going to help me make this happen. :D Now if I could only find some rhythm player/s to play with me. I have been trying, and that's another rant for another day.
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Cheers!