I Am So Done

Dec 12, 2006 19:06

Four finals down, and two more to go. Unfortunately, the next two are not until Friday, and they won't be that hard, so they will not require much studying. Which leaves me with two days of pretty much nothing to do until Sunday. Why Sunday, you ask? Because Sunday is when I go home. But why Sunday, if my finals are done on Friday? Good question. Well, I was told that I was going to be paid $50 to sing the National Anthem at the December graduation on Saturday. I figured, what the heck, I'll stay an extra day to make 50 bucks, then just hop on a flight on Saturday afternoon, no big deal. But then, I was asked to sing in a church choir performance on Sunday morning, and that also was a paying gig. So I figured, okay, staying til Sunday won't hurt, might as well do that too. More money for me, what's not to like? But now I find out that I'm not actually going to be singing on Saturday, which means I also won't be getting paid, which means I'm staying two whole extra days just to make $25 on Sunday, and I really feel like it's not worth it AT ALL. And to top it all off, because I decided to stay over the weekend, I'm missing our annual family Christmas tradition of going up to the mountains and cutting down a Christmas tree. Pretty much the best part of the whole Christmas holiday in my family, and I've never missed it before.

Now all this wouldn't be so bad if I could hang out with friends, relax and have some fun the last few days I'm here. I'm really going to miss people over break, and this would be the perfect time for some extra bonding before the break. But everyone is busy studying, and they're all leaving on Friday, so I'll be hanging out at my aunt and uncle's house on Saturday and Sunday doing squat and wishing I was home. UGH. And to add to my frustration, my accounting teacher got mad after catching a lot of people cheating, and she made us take our entire final exam today without calculators, and she didn't pre-warn us. Pretty sure that was the worst final EVER.

As you can probably tell, I'm really tired and overworked right now, which is why I've just spent all this time complaining and whining and making it sound like my life is terrible. It's not really, it's just the lack of sleep and too much studying coming out. But it has to come out somewhere.

I'm going to watch Moulin Rouge tonight. That always makes me happy.

Good luck on finals everyone, and I hope your travel/scheduling plans are not as frustrating as mine are!
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