Yay! and Aw...

Sep 28, 2010 03:53

     Yay! I've finished the draft of this bloody essay. I procrastinated for far too long over it and now it's going to haunt me with how furiously bad it possibly is. It's about The Day the Earth Stood Still (the 1951 original, not the Keanu Reeves remake) and I may post it if there's a modicum of interest.

Aw... The lightbulb in my desklamp has burned out, which means I can't get any reading done without killing my eyesight.

Yay! Very friendly people have been keeping up with what I've been writing, which is quite nice of them. I fully intend to write part of the fourth fic before I go to bed, even though it's almost 4 a.m...

Aw... ...and I have a lecture at 9 a.m.

Yay! I'm reading Alan Moore's From Hell which, despite being very dense, very gory and very arcane, is actually quite interesting. I will not have time to read the end before work tomorrow, but I consider that more time to process it.

Aw... The five movies I rented this week are due back this afternoon. I have had time to watch one. Curses.

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