
Sep 26, 2010 21:10

In order to make the noise I made upon discovering Stephen Fry is playing Mycroft, follow these simple steps:

1) With your right hand, loosely cover your mouth. You want to be able to make noise, even though you have no idea what noise. Muffling yourself totally makes you sound like you're choking on a biscuit, and wll get the response 'What's wrong?' There is clearly nothing wrong here, so don't give an incorrect impression.

2) Make sound. High-pitched sound, something around an A sharp for boys. Girls may prefer a high D.

3) Don't aim for words: if you're anything like me, you won't even know what you're trying to say. Remember when you took a victory sip of what turned out to be very hot tea? The sound should be similar, but more pleased rather than scalded.

4) Conduct all conversation in that tone for the next seven minutes. Sit down. Giggle.
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