The Garland Legacy 3.9

Aug 20, 2019 19:06

Hello, and Welcome back to the Garland Legacy
here's to our last update before Gen 4!
Such progress!

Past Updates:
Gen 1
Gen 2
Gen 3
3.0 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 3.3 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.6.1 | 3.6.2 | 3.7 | 3.8

Last time on The Garlands: There were ghosts (and ghost fights), and witches, and lots and lots of public sex.


Stalkie McGee is still a dick.

But Franklin is still the best little lovable bub; so -
it balances out.

But like, a good "oh"!


Cordelia: *makes sure to walk past Stalkie McGee to rub it in his face*

Yes, I am pleased.


Battle of the overachievers - who will come out on top?

Of course.

Not that I love Cordelia any less.

Franklin: I made out with this girl once -

He's so whipped, and I love it.

Otis: I'm Bi.

Apparently this is now the dorm cafeteria of oversharing.

What?! Cordelia! No!
Is Franklin, boy of sunshine and wonder's love not enough for you?!

This literally broke my heart on so many levels.

Franklin: Oh, hello my love!

Stalkie McGee: How COULD you?!

This is the only time I will actually agree with this creep.


Charlie: This is all YOUR fault, Otis!

Cordelia: Ye- YEAH, This /IS/ all your fault!
Otis: What is happening?

Charlie: *slaps*
Cordelia: GET 'IM!

Otis: I didn't DO anything!
Stalkie McGee: *just wants to get in on the action* Yeah, he didn't do anything!

And in true Franklin fashion, he conflict-resolves the fuck out of the situation.

Franklin: Hey, hot stuff! It's okay if you don't love me as much as I love you. I'm lucky enough just to have some of your attention!
Otis: He's too good for this world! *sobs*


Otis: Did you see that wild public sex I had the other night?!

Cordelia: Yes. I was there. I'd like to remind you that I had public sex before you, though.
Otis: What, when?!

The Garlands: even competitive about losing their v-cards (publically).

Meanwhile, Charlie is outside sending death threats to random dormies.

Charlie: You talkin' shit about me?! Be careful - I don't think you'd like where my grandpa could send you.
Franklin: *eats in petrified silence*

You, too?!
What is happening?!

Apparently ghostitis is something that is happening to all my dormies at night?!

Cordelia: Damn, he's hot when he incorporeal.

You know what?
I have HAD it with your sassy mouth!

Why does your Romance sim only show up in ways that break my Franklin's heart?!


Still not his fault.


This is definitely not helping the fidelity of this relationship, though.

ORHIASOB: I heard your love isn't good enough for your girlfriend. How bout givin me a spin? *grabs his lapels*
Franklin: Uhm. No thanks?

Otis: I may look like I'm skilling, BUT I HAVE NO MORE SKILLS TO BUILD, BITCH! I'm watching you

To Franklin's credit - he was trying REAL hard to not engage with her as much as possible while still dancing with her.
I watched him for at least a full sim hour waiting for him to make the mistake of doing the dirty moves of the dance, and he never did. What a good bub.

Move it along, nothing to see here -

Charlie: *stands in the doorway for the fuckin heck of it*

But when it comes to her siblings bonding -

She will have /NONE OF IT/.

Charlie: Fuck off, pansy boy!

I'm starting to notice a pattern, here.
Charlie, you're an enabler.


Cordelia got this invitation to go out, so I thought it would be a good opportunity for her and Franklin to rekindle their romance.

Except a taxi never came to get them, so they had their "outing" indoors.

(Lies, Cordelia, you two-timing whore)

But apparently it's enough for Franklin.

Uhhhhh.....I think they're a little busy.

But of course the Cosmic alignment of love and hate must be kept in balance
And thus, Otis and Charlie fight.

It ain't a good sign when even the lunch lady hates you, Charlie.

And with that, peace is restored.

Otis: Peace?! NOT ON MY WATCH!

I honestly don't know what you're trying to prove anymore.
but I'm pretty sure you're not trying to prove anything at all.
And that? That is terrifying.



Otis and Charlie: *fueled by the pure hatred of the other*
Cordelia: $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Otis started rolling more Romance wants,
so Vyn, our evil henchman, is invited over.

Otis: Human contact +750



Rando: Those two?!

Otis: Hehehehe *revels in some form of misery, even while falling in love*

....right. This /is/ Otis, we're talking about.

*Move Bitch Get Out Da Way plays in the background*



Now, see - /this/ makes more sense.
This is acceptable.

Franklin and Cordelia are working on it, though.
Way to communicate your wants and needs with each other, guys.

couple goals.


I finally gave in to Cordelia's wants (of betrayal), and sent her out with her brother.
Townie that's literally everywhere: She's hot.

And we're off to a good start.

The custom hair was a giveaway.

Fugly Townie: Tsssssss Otis is so hot.

That - that's not Otis?

But he is ADORABLE.
And his name is Nawaaf Ying.

Nice name you got there, bud.

Otis: This is what you give me to flirt with?

Beggers can't be choosers, Otis.

I honestly came here to let Otis explore the slightly more gay side of his sexuality,
but this is quickly turning into a harem.

But I couldn't let ~Nawaaf~ get away,

Nawaaf: Uhm. You're not really my type?

I have a theory this could still work out in my favor.

Nawaaf: I mean - I really prefer it if you have a /train/ down /there/, if you know what I mean?
Theory: Confirmed.

Also - At least there's still buzzcut guy to hit on her.
We have Garlands in different flavors to meet every taste.
Plenty to go around.

Red Hair Hula Girl: No thanks.

Another strike-out? Is my radar off?

Otis: Wait! Let me prove my sexual viability to you!
Cordelia: Oh, this oughta be good.
Otis: Shut up, Cordelia.


Otis: Now how 'bout /them/ bananas.
Cordelia: *gigglesnort* Don't think she's that into "bananas", Otis. That's what I've been trying to say.

She /did/ think Otis was special.
Just. Not in the way I think he was expecting.

But before we left, Cordelia got a visit from the Charlatan himself.

Cordelia: Wait a minute.

Cordelia: Didn't you like - try to steal my brother's innocence?


Otis: Rise, my red-headed minion, to do my bidding.
*Lightning crackles in background*

Otis: We make out now, yes?

YES?! :D

ORHIASOB: Bitch, why are you even still trying?
Otis: Honestly? I haven't had sex in daaaaayyyyssss and you're the closest thing to someone being interested in me.

He's right.
So we move on to the next dormie.

Nice genetics, wonky face: So when I said hi to you the other day and you pushed me into the trashcan......that was flirting?

....If that's what you want to call it.

Speaking of dates, tho
Holy shit, Vyn, I -

Wait a second

Did another dormie die?! O.o
That was not my doing.

But yes, Vyn does not cheap out when she gives dream date gifts.

I honestly have never seen a sim couple more in love than these two.
I truly believe the "have two loves" want was for show, cause even when we went out, no one was catching her attention.

Cordelia: *sniffs* I'm home.



The last term papers mean we're SO CLOSE to Gen 4.


I'm starting to /really/ dislike you.

Only-Red-Head-in-a-Sea-of-Blonde here decided to try and hit on Franklin again while Cordelia was at class.

But as soon as she got back, Franklin immediately fled the scene.

And went to go hide in the only place in the dorm Cordelia can't go.


Looks like the cow mascot is back.
how glad we are to see her.

Otis: Go die in a firey pit of hell where you belong.

sweet, sweet Karma.

Valerie: Look! There's a giant face watching and laughing at the dramatic irony!
ORHIASOB: Dramatic irony - what?


ORHIASOB: ...........Do you not realize it's 10 degrees outside?!
Valerie: Exactly. *walks away*

Valerie: Done being helpful, time to be a massive dick!

Well. At least we figured out who won the fight.

Franklin: Ow.
Stalkie McGee: Yes, please hurt the man who stole my woman more.

First of all - not your woman.

Second of all - his nose could use a little "reshaping".


Otis: No, but listen - I had very public sex!

Who are you talking to that needs to know this?

Oh, honey - She's not interested.
Move on.

What do /you/ have to be so upset about?!

Lunch lady: These kids - they're driving me crazy. I can't go on.

Good genetics, wonky face: Something is telling me Otis /isn't/ standing behind me waiting to profess his undying love.
Charlie: No, he's definitely there. Just keep looking.

Charlie: Sry, not sry?

Charlie: Learn to take a fuckin joke, bitch.

But, wouldn't you know it, Otis had a want to flirt with her,
but she had already had enough Garland for the day.

Cordelia went running (running!) out the door in the middle of doing a class assignment.
Whatcha so excited for, hun?

Franklin: Hello, my love!


Otis: *minds his own business smustling*
Charlie: *turns off music*

Charlie: *takes a deep breath* FUCK YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

And then she continued to smustle.
With the radio turned off.

All in time for GRADUATION!

Charlie: Wait - You mean I /won't/ be getting the attention I so clearly deserve?! I take it back, I don't wanna graduate!

Too late.
You've done your damage.

Charlie: This won't be the last of Charlie Gar -

Moving on to the Garlands that actually matter.

I will miss these University times, but I will not miss that borked part of your outfit mesh that makes you perpetually look like you just ran up Mt. Everest.

Valerie: Awwww, he's leaving?!

Yes - never to see you again!

And finally, our oldest.

Oof. That hair did not age well.

And that's the end of that chapter of our lives.

Cordelia: I miss Otis. :/

Awwwww, it's ok, bb.
You can see him soon.

Cause he'll be right here in the main house.
Roxanne: Omg. It's almost as if you never left!

Everyone welcome the official Gen 3 Heir, Oti -

Otis: Wait - were you trying to take a picture?

Otis: I should have been a Knowledge sim.

Yes, you really should have, but can we take a nice picture now, please?
I need to introduce you as heir!

AAAASSSSSS I was saying - Everyone welcome the Gen 3 Heir:

(Is anyone actually that surprised?)


I can't believe I made it through University with both Otis and Charlie.
They were amusing, but near the end, I DEFINITELY wanted to pull my hair out.
I honestly did want to do a double-heir this generation, but it came down to the fact that the house is just too small, and I was NOT going to move them out after I literally just moved them in.

So, we'll just have to invite the girls over often.
Rest assured there WILL be Franklin and Cordelia cousins.

Also - I only noticed that Otis had Chris' hair the entire time he was in University when I was doing his adult makeover.
I honestly prefer Otis with his hair pushed back, so you can see his face, but I only have so many male hair options!

Next time is finally Gen 4!

Until then!

legacy: garland, garland

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