What I'm Thankful For This TV Season aka an Ode to Community

Nov 16, 2011 18:02

TV Line asked readers to write and tell them what they're most thankful for this TV season (http://www.tvline.com/2011/11/thanksgiving-what-tv-are-you-thankful-for/), and someone on milady_milord suggested writing about Community, so I did.  TV Line wanted funny quotes, but mine turned into something a bit more serious about why I love the show.  I'm also going to include this when I write my letter to NBC, but I thought I'd share it will you here.

What I’m Thankful For This TV Season

This season, I'm thankful for the show "Community."  I'm finally in my senior year of college, but it has not been an easy journey.  Writing my senior thesis, applying for a student-teaching internship, and plain old senioritis sometimes overwhelm me, but every week I think, "If I can just make it to Thursday night, then everything will be fine," because I know that the Greendale gang knows exactly how I feel.  The quirky study group that meets every Thursday night at 8 pm on NBC is navigating the same crazy college trials that I am.  I can always count on Troy and Abed to make me laugh, and on Annie to motivate me to work harder.  Shirley will give me a big hug and a plate of fresh-baked cookies, while Britta will remind me that there are people in the world with much bigger problems than mine.  Pierce will make an inappropriate (but sweet) comment, and then Jeff will wrap the whole thing up with an inspiring speech that contains just the right combination of pop culture references, biting wit, and sexy charm to get me through another week on campus.

Fans of "Community" received some bad news this week when NBC revealed that in January the show will be going on hiatus until further notice.  This announcement doesn't inspire a lot of confidence about the show's future, but it DID inspire fans to rally and show their support.  I can't imagine life without "Community" or how I'll get through a week without seeing the study group's smiling faces, but no matter what the show's future may be, I'm so thankful to "Community" for making college life bearable.

nbc, tv line, college, community, thanksgiving, savecommunity

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