Thank you Joy

Feb 13, 2006 12:24

Joy I just wanted to say thank you for posting this as a comment on my facebook

------- -----are like apples-------------------
--------on trees. The best ones-----------
------are at the top of the tree.--------
----The boys dont want to reach------
---for the good ones because they ------
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.----
Instead, they just get the rotten apples-
--from the ground that are'nt as good,--
-but easy. So the apples at the topthink-
-something is wrong with them, when in
--reality, they're amazing. They just----
---have to wait for the right boy to-------
----- come along, the one who's-----------
----------- brave enough to-----------------
-----------------climb all----------------------
----------------- the way---------------------
-----------------to the top--------------------
---------------- of the tree.------------------

You're at the TOP!!

I was having a pretty thoughtful morning and this really really helped. And ya know what. This is probably true. It's just hard to do because you want so bad for that guy to be the one who wants to reach. But you can't make them reach. You just have to wait for it. This really makes no sense on the screen right now but it makes sense in my head. Anyway. Thanks Joy for helping me in ways that you don't even know this morning. thanks for being a wonderful friend.
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