Some Updates and Stuff...on FANDOM!!!

Jun 25, 2008 20:36

Yup. I *am* a fangirl. I totally admit it (and maintain that ANY and ALL spelling errors in the following document...or any communication from me whatsoever...are symptoms of my Cabbageitis!!! - it's a common affliction in those who come into contact with Allie from the Chinese Chomping Cabbages ;) Yes, that does sound lame and fangirly but it's true hahaha. It's a Skype thing, I think.)

So, now that we have established I am indeed a fangirl, let's get down to business.

So I'm totally enjoying chatting up a storm on Skype...I belong to this fandom-related chat called "Skype Is Evil" (I'm one of the hosts actually) and it's so freaking awesome. I've added like three new people as a result of Wrockstock and everyone gets on so well...even if I'm totally forbidden from mentioning Twilight in there *pouts*. Or slash. Or High School Musical. (but sometimes Zoe and I start alternative slash conversations XD But I really need people to squee over Twilight and HSM with, I mean really. I totally just saw the Twilight trailer for the first time - horribly slow, I think, but I was obsessed with other stuff! Cut me some slack! lol - and watched it like six times in a row. OMG, if it's as awesome as it looks it might just MAKE MY LIFE.)

Also, the next big UK wizard rock event is coming up!! Accio Wrock is on the 27th of next month in Oxford...I'm so looking forward to it!...I need to book transport, fo realz. *looks sheepish* I will get around to it...I have to...I can't NOT see my Wrockstockers for months on end! And NOT wish RiddleTM the best of luck before they swan off to the US of A to play WROCK FREAKING CHICAGO!!!! (and help them celebrate their 18th birthday with a few drinks...of course...hahaha). So yeah, Oxford should be MEGA fun. God I hate living so far from everyone else :( Allllll my friends live so horribly far away! *sulks*

Also, I can't remember if I've told you or not (and am rather too lazy to check, because I am SO TIRED right now, for absolutely no reason), but Magical Acts of Kindness, the Harry Potter Alliance project Jess and I are working on, has been officially launched!! And so the first post(s) will be going up really soon! Like, in the next few minutes providing I can log-in and copy-paste stuff correctly! HOORAY! So totally go and check that out over at :D
**EDIT - ok I lied. My mum is booting me off the pc...but it WILL be up tomorrow, for sure. So totally check back. It'll be worth the wait, I promise!**

Lastly!! My copy of Ministry of Magic's latest album, Goodbye Privet Drive, arrived on Monday and I can't stop listening to's freaking AMAZING. If you like MoM and you haven't bought it yet, then WHY NOT?!?!?! GO AND BUY IT NOW. It might well be the best CD you buy all year.

But wait a minute! The Moaning Myrtles are releasing a CD at Terminus!!! "What About Myrtle?"!!! And they totally posted two songs from it on their Myspace...and an excerpt from the title track in a YouTube video in their latest blog. GO AND CHECK THAT OUT. It may well be a tie for best album. (Yes, I might be a bit of a fangirl of bands who have two Ms at the start of words in their band name. SO WHAT? XD)

Finally, I just found this over at sashullichka's journal and did it, with hilarious results:

(by the way - it chose A-Slack over 1) The Whomping Willow 2) Robert Pattinson 3) "all of Ministry of Magic" XD DAMN. That last one would've been hilarious)

I will marry Andrew Slack.

After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Scotland in our fabulous Mansion.

We will have 509 kid(s) together.

Our family will zoom around in a rainbow Ferrari.

I will spend my days as a journalist for the Daily Prophet, and live happily ever after.

twilight, the moaning myrtles, wrock, ministry of magic, skype

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