May 23, 2008 00:11
Hey all! I'm using this icon even though it's not strictly true...tomorrow, Harry Potter BECOMES my social life once again as I fly to America for WROCKSTOCK!!!!!
I'm going to get to meet Andrew Slack from the Harry Potter Alliance...and Brian from Draco and the Malfoys has promised to hug us...and I get to meet Jess at long last! And Tim and Zoe properly! And the Other Jess again! And Lauren-from-St-Louis too!!!
I have to sit an exam first though. 9.30-11.30 tomorrow is Intro to Social Theory. I'm not hopeful :(
So I get up at 6.30, my dad will drop me off in the next town over at around 7.30, then I'll get the bus in to uni where I will sit the exam, then walk to the bus station to get a shuttle to the airport, my mum will meet me at the bus station with my suitcase and bag...god I'm so NERVOUS. Like REALLY. What if they don't like me? What if they don't UNDERSTAND me? Argh. I'm going to be the only Scot there, but one of four Laurens. (count 'em, at least 4 that I know of! - Lauren Myrtle, Lauryn-Spirit's-wife, Lauren-in-st-louis and me).
But if I manage to get there, I'm going to see Draco and the Malfoys live. And Catchlove. And The Whomping Willows! And Tonks and the Aurors, yay. And Remus and the Lupins, double yay. I'm missing The Remus Lupins but if I have to miss one of the bigger bands I'm kind of glad it's them. Sorry guys.
Anyway, so my flight's at 3.45, then I get to Philadelphia and then I change planes and fly to Missouri...and it's going to be midnight when I get there. The lovely Michelle and Danielle are coming to the airport to pick me up :)
Also, the top-secret project? Is a go. From next week HOORAH. So when I get back everything will be buzzing. And awesome. And just fantabulous, generally :)
I have to go to bed now - it's 12.30am and I have to be up at 6.30. Oh dear. I do NOT see this exam going well.
Goodnight, I love you guys, and I'll see you next Wednesday (or Thursday if I'm dead from jetlag!)
Lauren x
PS. I get to ride a BROOM!!! Hopefully with picture evidence ;)