I read the News Today part 4

May 16, 2010 02:03

George very gently pulls the pale girl into an upright position. “Jenny,” he calls tapping me on the face “Jenny come on it’s time to get up girl.” “George” I moan turning my head to face him. “George i’m tired please let me sleep.” I finish burrowing into his shoulder. George just laughs and slips his right arm around her shoulder. “Jenny have you not be listening to a word I said hm?” George asked “I’m to help you inside and settled then I am to bring you something to eat and maybe a coke, you’re still all pale like.” George rambled on putting his left arm under her knees. I just kinda smile to myself and let him pick me up from the car. I clutch tighter at his shirt when I feel the cold nights air. It revived me to the point that I realized George was carrying me because I didn’t want to get out of the car. I struggled to be put down, trying to tell George that I was okay “George please let me down I’m okay I don’t need to be carried anymore.” I cry squirming still trying to get down. George doesn’t believe me though “Jenny I don’t think you’re that okay but if it’s what you want,” he starts. I cut George off by screaming “I do put me down.” George just sighs and sets me on my feet. I stumble a little and George sighs and grabs the top of my arm to steady me. I look at George and say “Let’s go I need to see John, to see if he’s okay.” I mumble trying to pull out of George’s grasp. George just smiles at me and says “Girl, the only thing that you are going to do tonight is get settled in Lou’s old room, then I’m going to make you something to eat.” I roll my eyes at George but I allow him to pull me into the house

Louise was terrified when she had found out that Mimi smith beat her niece and nephew, to her it was horrendous, she was also scared when she had seen John in the backseat of the car. Yes she was trained in first aid but she wasn’t sure what she could do for the poor boy. “Harold” she said while opening the backseat door. “Take john to Peter and George’s room and settle him in I’ll be there in a few.” She said moving for her husband. Lou looked at her son trying to wake Jenny up and asked him “Can you manage Jenny inside while your father and I get John into Peter’s room?” looking into his earnest face waiting for the answer “Yeah mom of course.” Lou smiles at George’s enthusiasm about helping Jenny out and says “That’s my boy, put her in Louise’s room and help her settle, get her something to eat, something soft mind you.” Lou made the decision to look after the girl after she had taken care of her bleeding brother. Lou steps out of the car and rushes up the drive into her home. Going into the kitchen she finds a bowl and fills it with cold water. Turning to the drawers beside the sink she finds a soft old tea towel and some peroxide. Grabbing her findings she calmly walks up the stairs and into the boy’s room. Harold had laid John on Peter’s bed and propped him up with the pillows. Lou steps over the threshold, after dismissing her husband to go make some food for Jenny, and over to the bed, she set the bowl and peroxide on the nightstand and wet the tea towel. Brushing the hair out of the boys face she said softly “John this is going to hurt, a lot mind you. I have to clean the cut on your head so it doesn’t get infected before we can do something about it.” Lou carefully dabbed the old towel around the gash on Johns head. John whimpered and moved his head about trying to escape the cold towel. Lou sighed and held John’s head still leaning the gash. Lou breathed a sigh of relief and placed a couple butterfly bandages on Johns head, relived that it did not require stitching. Lou quietly and softly pulled John so that he was leaning against her and pulled the pillows out from behind him. She carefully laid John on the bed and covered him with the blanket. Sighing again she gently kissed his forehead and closed the door, intending to return two hours later to wake him up from his concussion.

George pulled Jenny up the steps and into his home. He turned down the hall and pulled the pale girl up the stairs. Once they had reached the top of the stairs he veered to the left and pulled the girl after him. Jenny, who at the time was tired of people pulling and carrying her, tore herself out of his grip and stumbled to the bed. Harold knocked on the door frame and walked in carrying a tray with a bowl of soup and a glass of orange juice. Harold set the tray down on the night stand and looked at the girl. “Jenny, luv, are you okay,” Harold asked brushing the hair back from the girls face. George just looked at his dad, surprised at how he was treating his friend. Harold looked at his son and smiled “George both John and Jennifer are your friends and I know how much you care about them. So why wouldn’t your Mum and I take these two in if it’s what you want, that’s how we raised you wasn’t it? Plus the fact that your and John’s little band is going to Germany next week, and they needed a place to stay. What was I supposed to do George, let Mimi potentially kill them? I don’t know how bad John is hurt and poor Jennifer here is in a state of shock.” While Harold was stating his monologue Lou walked in and upon hearing the last part started to smile. George who was listening to his dad the whole time had a smile tugging at his lips and guided Jenny into a sitting position and propped her up with a pile of pillows. “George your dad is right you know,” Lou said “You can tell your friends that they will always have a place to stay here and that they are always welcome. Now try to get that food into Jennifer and both of you go to bed, you’ve had a big day. We’ll talk in the morning,” Lou said walking over to George and kissing him on the forehead and then bending over Jenny and kissing her also on the forehead. Lou took Harold’s arm and pulled him out of the room and shut the door afterwards. George sighed and picked up the glass of juice, and while handing it to Jenny said “Drink some juice, you’ll feel better.” Jenny took the glass of juice and drank it down. Sighing she handed the glass back to George and looked at him. George looks back and asks “Are you hungry, dad brought soup.” Jenny shook her head no saying “I don’t think I can handle food right now George, I’m afraid I’ll be sick all over you.” George smiles sympathetically and helps Jenny lay down. “Get some rest,” he says softly “I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going to be in mine and now John’s room making sure he wakes up when he is supposed to.” George said before standing up “Oh it might get chilly in here but in the closet over to the left there are more blankets” he said before shutting off the lights and closing the door. I smiled and shut my eyes being quickly met with the welcoming darkness.

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