
Mar 30, 2007 17:18

Ohmydearlord how good was House last night?? Alien DNA...blimey. That's what I call riveting TV.

OK, so it's been a couple of days since I last updated...Higher Education Fair on Wednesday. Came home with a stack of university prospectuses - I love the look of the Newcastle course, and Manchester looks pretty good too. I believe Leeds should be sending me one soon as well, and I got a UCAS card, which is rather funky.

Yesterday, got term grades - three B1s and a B2, which is probably my best so far this year, but apparently not good enough for my parents yet - we ended up arguing about it after I overheard them talking about how I never live up to their expectations. Gah. Bloody parents. We had a quiz in Class Civ - I was on Team Snood with Ellie, George, Adam and Becca. We won, but since we got 26/60, it wasn't that great an achievement...the fact that I couldn't name a single Sophilos or Kleitias pot was not encouraging, not when the exam is in about a month. Lunchtime was fun though, spent it in the music block computer lab with James, Ellie and Pete listening to Pete's surprisingly-good compositions. James' piece has become even more insane and complicated since I last heard it.

School ended today - surprisingly the Burton Service wasn't as long, drawn-out and painful as it usually is. And when I came out of the church I found Chris standing there talking to Ellie, which was rather nice :) Anyway, he came into town with us to get lunch and we wandered around town for a bit, going to the bargain shop, Queens and the Left-Legged Pineapple and all those places before he had to leave. I got to hug him again too, although it has to be said that he's too tall. I don't think he likes me as more than a friend though, unfortunately, so I'm feeling a bit down about that now, but we're talking on MSN at the moment so I guess it's good that he considers me a friend, because he's a really nice guy.

Anyway, after Chris left, Ellie and I went and saw 300 at the Curzon. It was basically one huge bloodbath. Ellie loved it. I spent most of the time hiding behind my popcorn. Plus we got pursued by a couple of pubescent boys sitting in front of us. That was depressing. After several minutes of questioning from then, I declared loudly to Ellie that I hated the male gender, and got a few funny looks from the people sitting around us. Not surprising, really.

Tonight I have a babysitting job with a new family - they have three boys and one is apparently fourteen. Ellie reckons I'll get perved on by him - a delightful prospect...I don't have the energy to battle three boys into giving up the Playstation and going to bed, not today, when I've spent all afternoon trailing around in shoes made of some sort of building material and renouncing boykind. Still, Ellie's lent me her Blondie Best Hits CD and my absolute occasional-legend of a mother is making me beans on toast before I go, so at least I have that to look forward to.

[music|Journey - Any Way You Want It ]

parents, house, music, boys, babysitting, ellie, chris, uni, perving, curzon, burton service, james, grades, class civ

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