Music fiasco

Mar 26, 2007 21:22

My AS Music composition is well and truly finished. I even put in a snazzy new clarinet part earlier because I had time to spare. Mr Lax, James, Sarah and Emily all listened to it and liked it - Mr Lax said it sounded "very beautiful", which made me want to hug him. James said it sounded like a music box, which I have decided to take as a compliment.

However, this is not so good:

Dr Bean: So...the compositions need to be submitted by Friday, along with your appraisals...
*entire set stares wordlessly at her*
Dr. Bean: Didn't I mention the appraisal?

No. She did not. The appraisal, incidentally, happens to count for 10% of our final mark, and I have until Friday to write it. No, she did not mention that part. So now I'm frantically rooting through my extensive collection of scribbled-on manuscript paper in the vain hope of finding any details of my original inspiration written down for me. Which I will not find. I'm not often inspired. I just fiddle around with the notes until they sound good, and then I work on them from there.

Music was rather good today. We all predictably forgot our practise listening papers - PJ threatened to castrate Ben with a blunt spoon unless he has his completed by Wednesday. I love how he only picks on Ben :D

Congratulations to electric_ellie who has managed to trap herself a boyfriend :)

Ohmydearlord, Doctor Who on Saturday. I nearly choked when I saw the advert on TV. Mr Tennant is officially back, people.

Also, I've decided to pay more attention to LJ, since I have very little else in my life. If anyone happens to have any LJ friends whom you think might like to add me, then please spread the word, I'm all for getting to know new people.

I'm listening to my Sylph CD again. It reminds me of the fabulousness that was Saturday...*daydreams happily*

[music|Kasabian - Shoot The Runner ]

dr bean, composition, doctor who, mr lax, music, ellie

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