i'm done done done done done done done done done done done done done. did i mention i was done? it feels as though this giant pressure has been lifted off my shoulders and i can finally take some time for myself without feeling guilty or paranoid that i should be doing something else. my work is complete, but my final evaluation is still pending. i'm supposed to have a meeting this monday with my cooperating teacher and my university facilitator to go over my performance this semester, but i'm not worried about that.
i found out this week that i'm a finalist for a $2500 scholarship, which is amazing and couldn't have come at a better time. i still have to go through an interview process before any decisions are made in the following two weeks. then i got an e-mail today saying i was the recipient of a different scholarship i applied for several months ago as well. things are going very, very well as of late in that aspect.
something else i have been doing is looking for a car. yes, my very own car. my very FIRST car. i don't know whether or not i should buy it before i go to urbana-champaign or after. i want to buy it now, but i'm not sure if i'll have enough money to get the car i want at this point. if i wait until i return in august, there'll be more car options i'll have to choose from since i won't be as restrained by the price. however, before i can drive that car, i would actually have to take those tests so that i can get my license. speaking of which, i need to practice on my parking skills... now that i think about it, there are a lot of things i need to take care of before i leave.
in any case, something to look forward to:
i'm hoping to see both of them.