Apr 28, 2005 19:06
Yesterday I had to stay afterschool to take the English honors test. I hope and wish with all my heart that I will be able to get in *staring wishfully at the sky*!!!!!! This test is supposedly harder than the one from last semester that I forgot to sign up to take. The prompt was a freakin poem!!!! I hate and do NOT understand poems!!!!!!!!!! Poems are f**king hard to understand!!!!! I read the acursed poem a million times before I actually understood it a little bit!!!!!! How dumb can I be?????!!!!! Well.....I already knew that I am a stupid and dumb and a freak of nature person but I was still SHOCKED to see actually how dumb I really am!!!!!! *sigh*....probably because of the amount of coffee I drink and how I started drinking coffee since I was really small. Well, I can't help it!!!! Coffee is just the best drink in the whole world!!!!! I actually drool when I smell coffee and am so sensitive to the smeel that I can smell it from miles away. WHAT!!!???? What are you all freakin looking at!!??? I am not a freak!!! I swear on my rottin and ugly heart!!!! Well, at least I don't think I am.........he he hehehehehehehehehe. Well, back to the original topic.........I wrote alot for the summery and could only come up with three quotes for the analysis essay! *sigh* I wanted to do four but couldn't think of anything else to use. The analysis question wanted us to answer how the dad felt for his son....and his feelings were kinda complicated so I had to slowly try to explain. I did my best but I don't think it is enough since I am so stupid! Today was ok.....I guess. Well except for PE when the freakin teacher yelled at me four five times!!!!! I was sooooooooooooooo pissed because I did NOT do anything wrong and he just f**king picked on my for no freakin reason!!!!!!!!Arrrrrrrr, now that I think about it, I was soooooooooo mad!!!!!! I was doing my best playing football and trying to concentrate and help. He was all like, hey you try and help the team. I WAS!!!!!!!!!!! And then he was like "block her!!!!! She is getting away" and yelled my name and etc soooooooo freakin LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!! And then he told me to have a better attitude towards the game and participate and smile. I was doing EVERYTHING that he was accusing me of NOT doing!!!!!!! I of course don't smile when I am concentrating unlike some freaks in my class!!!!!!! I am just SO PISSED!!!!!!!! At home later after my last class which was and hour and 20 min of concert band blowing my freakin head off playing the new music I got. Then at home, my flute teacher came and she tested me like how I will be tested during tomorrow's concert band three audition!!! Alot of the things I couldn't play correctly!!!!!!!! I am sooooo nervous about embarrassing myself tomorrow infront of an unknown teacher and failing so badly!!!!! I didn't want to do it, but my teacher won't let me back out of it!!! She just wants me to try even though I don't think i have the chance and all. *sigh*, sucky life!!! Wow....for once I wrote wayyyyy too much and rambled on too much like a certain someone I know...haha. I guess it is due to the anger and frustration and etc. Haha. Ok i will go now.