Oct 22, 2005 01:01
so this isnt really an entry of any importance..just to talk. so today was going great no biggie then tonight stuff just started getting in my head. i have been thinking alot about the last couple of years.all the best friends i had or thought i had whom i dont even talk to anymore, those who were always supposed to be there no matter waht those who were supposed to stick by my side when life got rough. where are they now? nowhere to be found, we dont eve talk anymore! i just found out that one of them one of my bestest friends that i dont talk to anymore parents are getting divoreced. i wish i could be there for her, i hate that we used to be so close and now i cant even call her up and tell her im here. i dont know i had jsut got to thinking. another thing i was looking through myspace and you know how you can get deeper and deeper in to pictures and stuff well i ended up looking through all these ppl from church and how like on their comments and stuff all they have is people from church NOONE else. i hate knowing that they are missing out and that they are holding themselves from the world. they are limiting themselves from life. i then got to looking at swamp pictures. oh man how i miss the swamp i miss being able to get away and jsut not worry i miss being able to get up early on thursdays and put my tennis shoes on and walk down the dirt path way full of dew and then down the gravel road to the dining hall. where we would all sit in the cazeebo and we would sing, everyone would sing no matter how bad they were or how loud they were everyone would sing, we would sing until the sun was done rising. i miss those mornings when me and one of girls from my cabin would walk to the big huge open field and watch the sun rise while talking about life and just whatever was on our minds. i miss the quiet times i would have with some of the most amazing girls i have ever met. i dont even know what happened to them, wait i do we lost touch bc nothing was there. the swamp was what kept everyone close. noone cared about anyting except who you were on the inside and how close we got in that one week away from home.so yeah gellman is now in the room and im done talking about nothing...bc yeah he cheered me up so im done!!but yeah sorry this is a waste of an entry...maybe later i will finish!