Title: Infinite, Physics Style
Author: mushnrice
Pairing(s): Woohyun/Sunggyu, hints of Myungsoo/Sungyeol and Hoya/Dongwoo
Genre: !Crack
Rating: PG-13
Infinite, Physics Style
One-ShotIf there was one subject in the world Lee Sungjong would say that he hated the most, it would be Physics. You couldn't really blame him for loathing that distasteful subject. After all, who would understand or even remember the concepts, formulas and what not?
Lee Sungjong couldn't. Actually, he wouldn't. And so his hyungs came out with a way to help him remember the formulas. A rather sick and twisted way, but then again, it worked in helping him to remember... So....
1.) Friction = Heat x Distance
When he had asked the hyungs how to remember this particular formula, Woohyun had smirked. It was an evil, evil smirk... And Sungjong had tried to take back the offer of Woohyun teaching him.
Tried, being the keyword here. Not only did Woohyun sit Sungjong down for a one hour talk session in the living room on their new leather couch explaining friction, he also dragged Sunggyu to sit in with him. With rather disastrous results that made Sungjong leave the room.
Disastrous results = Woohyun ripping off both their clothes + ruler + thermometer + embarrassed Sunggyu + pitiful Sungjong
....Woohyun wanted Sungjong to measure the length of his penis, then stick a thermometer into Sunggyu's anus, and then count the amount of friction that would occur in between them without lube. Biology terms, Sungjong was good at that.
It ended up with Sungjong hiding out in his room, under the blankets while Myungsoo and Sungyeol comforted him, Hoya and Dongwoo screaming about the white dried substance on the couch in the evening, Woohyun still with that egoistical smirk plastered on his face, Sunggyu limping rather heavily....
Friction = Heat x Distance (Formula remembered)
2.) Work Done = Force x Distance
This formula was taught again by Woohyun. With similarly disastrous results. Woohyun had tried teaching Sungjong the formula of force was, and this is what he came out with...
F = Ma
Sunggyu's Bruises = Woohyun's penis weight x speed of thrusting into Sunggyu
Sungjong was nearly in tears. He was truly going to fail his exams if Woohyun continued to be his teacher. Trying to cut off Woohyun was like trying to stop a chainsaw with his bare hands, so he tried to wait it out.
Work Done = Force x Distance
Sunggyu Thoroughly Fucked = (Sunggyu's bruises) x Woohyun's penis length
And Sungjong burst into tears. Fleeing up into his room to hide away from Woohyun, he sought comfort in his blankets and by punching his bunny. Sungyeol and Myungsoo soon joined him after failing to study for their Literature. (Woohyun distracted them.)
Work Done = Force x Distance (Formula remembered)
3.) Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass x Gravity x Height
When Sungjong was studying up in the attic with Dongwoo resting in his lap and Hoya resting on Dongwoo, Woohyun had popped up and asked them about what their maknae was so diligently doing.
Studying physics.
That answer had somehow popped out of Dongwoo's mouth before the maknae could clasp his hand over the happy rapper's mouth. Catching a familiar glint of madness in Woohyun's eyes, Hoya had dragged Dongwoo out, throwing a rather calm, 'Maknae-nim, I'll get Gyu-hyung up."
Sungjong wailed. And Woohyun promptly ignored him.
Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass x Gravity x Height
Sunggyu Cowboy Style = Sunggyu's weight x Earth's gravity x Woohyun's penis length.
Sunggyu had come in at this moment and had proceeded to turn right round and flee the dim attic, but Woohyun had pounced on him and dragged him up by his collar.
Woohyun offered to give a demonstration.
Declining politely probably wasn't going to work, so Sungjong had snuck out when Woohyun was distracted in convincing Sunggyu to help their maknae 'Pass his failing exams as well as to gain exposure.'
Exposure to indecent acts committed by his hyungs, that was. Curling up with Myungsoo and Sungyeol was a good idea. Sungjong heard that Woohyun had disturbed them about his scary analogy on how he was like Napoleon, monopolizing Sunggyu, who was the other animals in Animal Farm.
Except that it wasn't hard work and suffering that he put Sunggyu through.
It was sexual tension.
Gravitational Potential Energy = Mass x Gravity x Height (Formula remembered)
4.) Kinetic Energy = 1/2 x Mass x Velocitysquared
'This would be difficult to teach. You would need a hands on.' Sungjong dreaded those words, and he had tried to flee Woohyun's iron like grips on his waist, but failed miserably and just settled for screaming and crying for anyone to save him. Anyone apart from Sunggyu, that is.
Kinetic Energy = 1/2 x Mass x Velocitysquared
Sunggyu bouncing on bed = 1/2 x Woohyun's weight x Woohyun's speed of thrusting squared
Sungjong bouncing on bed = 1/2 x Sunggyu's weight x Sunggyu's speed of thrusting squared.
Woohyun said that he wanted to watch.
And amid the screams and wails emanating from Infinite's youngest, Sungyeol and Myungsoo got out their Animal Farm textbooks to revise, thankful for the diversion Sungjong created.
The screams soon turned to moans though. And then pleas. And then the four apart from the three busy studying had to leave the house because of the din the leader, the tree and the maknae was creating.
Kinetic Energy = 1/2 x Mass x Velocitysqured (Formula remembered)
Quite surprisingly, Sungjong passed his physics exams, 20 marks above the failing point. He had scored the 20 marks in the Work, Energy and Power section.
Amid the screams of laughter and joy emanating from their youngest, Woohyun sneaked off to find Sungyeol and Myungsoo hidden under their blanket, busy studying for their Literature.
And a smirk spread across his face.
Gonna make a InfiniteCRACK!School verse. This is the second instalment, so do look out for more, oink. Facing a major writer's block in BTD SWM.