(no subject)

Jan 18, 2008 22:22

All right, so I really haven't posted much, and then I post a rant. I guess my life has been all but insane since say August, and even before that. In August everybody in my department had been there longer than me, but one, and that was by a week. As of today, I now know that by February 15th I will have the most seniority if you don't count management. This is out of 7 positions. And don't forget that admin who lasted like two weeks. Not that seniority is a bad thing. I really hope to move into management and I figure the biggest competition is leaving. Of course such a move requires a position that is either A not open or B does not exist. That and I have been working 10 hour days 4 days a week with Wednesdays off. Makes our Thursday get togethers near impossible.
So that's work.
Obviously my car situation sucks.
Little C, now to be called Boo, is doing phenomenal. 19 months old is SO much fun. He is now talking up a storm. Mostly animal sounds. Running around always in trouble. Boo truly is the light of my life. I can feel like down right shit and he makes me smile and feel better. Amazing. I knew I wanted to be a mom, now I just know why. He is so curious about EVERYTHING.
Studio is shutting down, but don't think that means I'm shutting down. I'm just getting going. I'm starting to feel like I have really learned how to do something.
Finally my home. Yes, we made the decision to sell the condo. Its still in the works, but the car situation has greatly slowed it down, and hence slowed down the possibility of a sibling for Boo. However, I refuse to allow my current bad luck with cars permanently change my plans.
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