daily meaningless noise

Apr 06, 2009 23:13

These are small mobile blog posts from Twitter. The original function of LJ was to answer the question "What are you doing today?" Twitter answers the question "What are you doing right now?" The former is of course the integrand of the latter. I post these to LJ because I want to archive them better and I want my LJ friends to know what's going on with me even when I don't have time/energy to post.

00:30 RT @LaMenta3 Oh, man...I have so much work to do and I don't feel like doing ANY of it. Blarg.

01:10 care about the rights of people w print disabilities to listen to books on the Kindle through text to speech? www.readingrights.org/

01:12 RT @NurtureGirl Contemplate difference: problem-focused resistance + radical approach of solution focus - distinction between sustain+thrive

02:16 RT @annaoverseas "There is such an insistence that PWD are faking. Cuz, you know, it's so fun, or something."

02:17 RT @lauredhel "Crazy happy disability! Don't tell everyone, or they'll all want one!"

04:22 RT @Prissi need 2 kick habit of staying up so late trying to study. Or more accurately, wasting time all day and then staying up to "study".

04:22 RT @audaciaray the best things happen after midnight, I tap into the best parts of my brain and soul. crashing now with swirls of thoughts.

13:04 RT @GraceMcDunnough Three Thanks is up and awaiting yours. A peaceful April Monday to you... threethanks.wordpress.com

15:14 help the song If You Seek Amy is stuck in my head and I can't get it out thanks to errant pandora! ♫ blip.fm/~3wfqr

15:51 reblip @evo / @amoration: "is it true how society says her life is already over?" in some ways to me this song ... ♫ blip.fm/~3whux

17:06 RT @LaMenta3 I dreamt that the pollen count was 2500. I woke up and said "I'm glad that's not possible." It's actually 3500 today. FML.
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