daily meaningless noise

Apr 05, 2009 23:09

These are small mobile blog posts from Twitter. The original function of LJ was to answer the question "What are you doing today?" Twitter answers the question "What are you doing right now?" The former is of course the integrand of the latter. I post these to LJ because I want to archive them better and I want my LJ friends to know what's going on with me even when I don't have time/energy to post.

00:43 RT @dmcrawford #samesexsunday today! like #followfriday only gay gay gay! (twitthis.com/9tkaub)

13:46 RT @msjennylin Our deepest fear is that we r powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us -M. Williamson

13:47 RT @Sollitaire Damnit, Gmail you need to keep the address that it was sent to as the from when replying! (i'll drink to that!)

13:50 RT @jeniferv Lust is the carnal search for the unknown.

13:58 an action plan from a friend for MARTA activism: museumfreak.livejournal.com/479312.html?thread=1898320

14:02 #samesexsunday @audaciaray @peacetara @katebornstein @mondohomo

14:08 RT @dmcrawford #samesexsunday includes all of GLBTQQI

14:35 lolcat high femme manifesto: icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/funny-pictures-your-cat-is-more-fabulous-than-you.jpg

14:36 piratekitty! icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/funny-pictures-cat-comes-to-plunder-your-living-room.jpg

15:50 ok really decoupling from twitter to shower, eat and then off to work on presentation & transcription before @vesuviusgroup meeting.

16:22 RT @torley Let's invent something that's a cross between a question and an answer.

16:27 suddenly feeling beautiful and empowered for the first time in a long time - a smart, sassy, sexy crip femme owning her power & oppression.

16:32 RT @katebornstein RT @genderfork "The better I understand my gender, the more incomprehensible I appear to others. -IdentityTBD"

17:13 psychophobia might be my new favorite word upstart-crow.livejournal.com/351022.html (via @annaoverseas)

20:38 RT @madcaptenor @museumfreak @torley consider the first three letters of "question" plus last two letters of "answer"
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