∮Ten Facts

Sep 17, 2010 00:19

01. Is ambidextrous, but relies on his left the most.
02. His USMC coat was left to him by his mother, it was his grandfather's. Or so he had been told
03. Dislikes sweets, except dark chocolate. Has been getting used to eating sweets for Sam's sake, really loves dark chocolate and caramel.
04. Different alcohols do different things to his temperament. Lavi is aware of this and tends not to drink very much.
05. Had lessons for violin and piano when young, didn't keep up. Is taking guitar now and is pretty decent, same with his voice, though he'll say otherwise.
06. When asked if he wanted the doctors to try to save his eye, Lavi said no. He said no, because he wanted a bigger reminder than the burn scars.
07. All Lavi takes pictures of is the sky, however, there is one picture on his camera he'll never take off. And that's a picture of the Exorcist team.
08. Some of the numbers in his cell phone have stars next to the names, ranging from 1-3, three being the highest.
09. Unless sleeping, exhausted, or injured, Lavi has to have something to do. Even if that ends up being annoying someone nearby.
10. Probably the only type of person to open Lavi up is kids, he has a soft spot for them for some reason.

11. Cannot get on or off a bed in the normal ways. He's always crawling or standing and walking off of them. If he gets on/off of the bed normally, he's either extremely tired/exhausted or something is wrong with him.
12. Can give an excellent massage~ But rarely does so. Likes seeing other people relax because of something he can do.
13. Likes fish, a lot, the live ones. He likes watching them and can watch them for hours. If he wasn't training or working, Lavi was at the aquarium. Stays well away from the shark tanks though, unless trying to figure out some of Kanda's new moves.
14. He's very self-conscious about his body around strangers. Most of it has to do with the number of scars that he has, it's not something he wants pity over. This was even stronger when he was female, too many new parts and the scars seemed to grow bigger.
15. Likes having the bigger scars touched though, in intimate situations. Just not the burns on his face and shoulder, they're still rather tender despite not hurting anymore.
16. Is actually a very bright student despite hardly doing his homework, or attending class in general. The teachers just didn't teach at a fast enough pace for him, so he refused to stay. Yet he still managed to do enough work to pass into the next year into the highest class with some of the best marks.
17. Doesn't consider Japan to be home anymore. The train that he's on is, and he's really impatient about getting back to it. Part of it's because of the company he enjoys there, and the rest is because he can relax there.
18. Didn't actually mind being turned female, as he adjusted to it and got used to it. It's still not one of his fondest memories, but it was interesting to experience.
19. Really wants to get a furry little pet, most likely a dog, but he wouldn't mind a cat either. But the dog, if he gets one, has to be a big, furry one that can keep up with him on his runs.
20. Could have been on the track and field team at his school with how fast he can run without his ATs. But refused to join any teams with the school, didn't want to have to go to school to participate in athletic events. But he loves running.

-Took shop class, barely passed, better with electronics/mechanics
-Likes sleeping in the sunlight, he tans just to a certain shade and never burns
-Has begun to notice something new when he "runs", something he hadn't noticed before Sam tuned his ATs. (ie; Gravity Child genetics at work)
-Only drinks his tea from tea leaves, hates tea bags

#dgmdressroom, [bruleanneau], !ten facts, #permanent_way

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