potent, baby, i'm potent

Mar 31, 2017 11:45

I feel like my posts lately have either been super depressing or lists, so today we'll go with lists:

♦ Another board meeting successfully managed, even if I did forget the table tents. *wry* I feel like I could sleep for a week though. I think tomorrow is going to be a no bra, no boots Saturday. Not my real boss who is now my actual real boss - so I guess boss3 works as an identifier - was supposed to take me to lunch today to discuss goals and moving forward, but the weather is shitty so we've postponed for Monday.

Joss Whedon may be making a Batgirl movie. First off, I will believe this when I see it, as in when I am buying (or more likely, not buying) a ticket for it.

Secondly, it will likely be about Barbara Gordon - even though timeline-wise from what I understand about the DC movies, it should be at least Cass and more likely, Steph under the cowl - and I am least invested in her as Batgirl. She'll always first and foremost be Oracle to me. So I don't feel a burning need to see this even though I think it is somewhat in Joss's wheelhouse in terms of cute girls who kick ass, though Babs is not one of his damaged waifs who scurries around barefoot and spouts poetic nonsense (neither Cass nor Steph is that either!).

But on the other hand, I feel like we've moved beyond that - as EW reminds us, it's been twenty years since Buffy! - and some of the stuff he's said and done in recent years is inappropriate and off-putting and shows him to be a poor ally who thinks he's a good ally. There's a great post on tumblr somewhere (I know!) about how times have moved on but he has not, and what seemed good - even revolutionary - twenty years ago is not good enough now (not to mention that he did what he did to Charisma Carpenter, which should count more than his ability to write fictional characters). It's just that he's often frequently better (in terms of writing female characters) than a lot of other white dudes. Which is a low, low bar to clear and yet...

And on the third hand, I saw his Wonder Woman script and it was...okay? I didn't love it. And I didn't love Age of Ultron, and him going back to the sweet sweet money of comic book movies instead of doing original work makes me cynical (and also wonder why he didn't go to Fox to do a Kitty Pryde movie instead). Why not hire Gail Simone or Marjorie Liu or Marguerite Bennett to write this? Or if it had to be a dude, Bryan Q. Miller did a great job with Steph!Batgirl! I mean, I know why they did this, and maybe it will turn out great - certainly Batgirl (or Nightwing) is probably the best Batfit for Joss - but I kind of wish they'd find somebody new.

On the fourth hand, given his experiences with Marvel, I would imagine he would insist on minimal studio interference before going ahead with anything, so that means that Snyder and Goyer should be hands off, at least, which would be a major plus.

So as you can see, I have a lot of feelings and they are very mixed.

♦ In other potential blockbuster franchise movie news, Lucasfilm is rumored to actually have an Obi-Wan movie in the pipeline. With Ewan McGregor. I am SO HERE for that, especially if it's wily desert hermit Obi-Wan fighting bounty hunters and Hutts and keeping young Luke out of trouble on Tatooine. (I honestly thought his cameo on Rebels meant there would be no movie at all, despite all my - and Ewan McGregor's - wishing.) I have a lot feelings about this too, but they are mostly good! *g*

(Less so about the fact that the Boba Fett movie is still kicking around, though I'm heartened by the idea that it would be more of an ensemble and also given the givens, I'd prefer if he never took his helmet off, since Temuera Morrison is too old to play him now in the OT-era [though he could still appear as Rex - or Kix! - in things!] and I don't trust them to necessarily remember to cast someone of Maori descent in the role. Related to the above, apparently he's playing Aquaman's dad in the new movie? Cool! Now if only they could retcon Ventress's alleged* death so she could also be in this potential movie.

*I refused to read the book after I heard that, so as far as I'm concerned, it didn't happen.)

Why not make an Ahsoka movie? Rosario Dawson is interested and she's already in the Disney/Marvel stable of actors...

♦ In something I have no feelings about either way, except they are going to have to find some extraordinary child actors, apparently HBO is co-adapting the first of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan novels. I really should read the rest of those, but I found the first book so intense that I couldn't tell if I was enjoying it or not, so I haven't gone back to read the others.

♦ March 2017 recs update:

unfitforsociety has been updated for March 2017 with 16 recs in 4 fandoms:

* 9 Star Wars
* 4 Avengers, 1 Spider-Man/Fantastic Four
* 1 Harry Potter and 1 Life

♦ and lastly, the March 2017 writing roundup:

Everything That Rises Must Converge (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Obi-Wan, Leia, Luke, Vader; g; AU; 5,165 words
In which Leia makes it to Tatooine's surface after the Tantive IV is boarded, and nobody is prepared for this particular family reunion.

I actually did other writing this month, but nothing else got finished. I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out, though.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/920354.html.
people have commented there.

monthly writing roundup, life, girl of random thoughts, batgirl, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, links, movies, recs updates

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