i've got a new complaint

Mar 02, 2017 13:11

what a clusterfuck of a day. usually this only happens to me on Tuesdays, so I don't even know what the fuck is going on today. The trains, technology, my own brain - it's all working against me in small but super aggravating ways that make it hard to catch up and stay on top of shit I need to be doing. Also makes it hard to appreciate this new sweet second monitor they set me up with yesterday, though I am boring and only use it to keep the bosses' calendars visible at all times.

I spoke with my dad earlier - he has a habit of not picking up the phone when I call so I hadn't gotten through in a couple of days - and they moved him yesterday to a rehab facility and he sounds so depressed. It makes my heart hurt. He just wants to go home, but his back still hurts and he has another problem that we are still waiting for clarification of from the doctor, but which would probably mean he can't go home until it's fixed (or if it can't be fixed, he has to go into a nursing home? Which is what we do not want, and what he certainly does not want) and meh. It's just making me sad.

In less sad news, someone asked me about Darcy in the GFFA, particular Darcy with Padme, and while I still find many things about Padme inexplicable, it was fun to revisit Darcy's POV with this. Darcy as the Skywalker twins' babysitter offers up so much potential for hilarity down the line. *g*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/914334.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, life, crossovers that should exist, not fic, my life so hard

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