and the time rewinds to the end of May

Mar 01, 2017 10:50

My eternal refrain: why is the Rangers' power play so terrible? WHY?


The Flash: Attack on Central City
Was it me or was this kind of an underwhelming episode? Some fun bits - everything with Cisco and Gypsy (why that name? Why?) and Harry & HR, Weird Al! Luke Starkiller! - but overall, I wasn't thrilled. I mean, I'm glad they didn't kill Joe - that's kind of my hard out with this show - but even though I don't think they'll kill Iris in the end, the way that proposal went down made me think they are totally killing Iris. Unless they kill Jesse in her place? She's still the Flash's girlfriend. Semantically. Also, the whole thing about Barry not killing? I hate to tell you this, bubbeleh, but you crossed over that line a while ago, even if nobody on the show will ever admit it, so the handwringing over killing Grodd felt disingenuous. I mean, in theory, I like the idea that it was only Barry's mercy re: Solovar that left him alive to come to Central City to defeat Grodd, but since I was like, "Barry has totally killed people!" it didn't quite land the way it should have.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
The Bees by Laline Paull, which is very inventive and wonderfully written, but I wasn't particularly emotionally engaged in it. *hands*

In the main Star Wars comic, Luke is off by himself again, which I often find tedious (he doesn't even have Artoo with him! Artoo is off trying to rescue Threepio from Vader, and gosh I want to see Artoo read Vader the riot act in canon. I love when that happens in fic. And Artoo might be the only person other than Luke that he'd take it from.), after detouring to give us a story about Yoda, who I also sometimes find tedious. I mean, Obi-Wan and his bantha friends is cute; Yoda against the mountain is okay, since I guess it will be relevant for Luke, but Luke is also getting the secondhand version, filtered through Obi-Wan's secret journal. (Which is so far unfortunately light on his teenage adventures with Satine. But that's another story.) I just want Luke back with Leia and Han, or interacting with Sana, or somebody. I am not really cut out for lone hero on a quest narratives. If there's no dialogue, I get antsy.

What I'm reading now
I started Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly, and some of my WWII reading has already helped me with context here at the beginning; I'm sure my reading about the space program will make some later stuff more understandable as well. I love it when that happens.

What I'm reading next
Dunno! I've still got a couple months before City of Miracles comes out (May!? I thought it was coming out in April!) - that's my most anticipated book this spring.


In other news, Logan is getting really good reviews! Comparisons to Unforgiven have been made! Apparently it lives up to the trailers. Which is exciting. I might have to actually see it. Even though I haven't seen any of the other movies I intended to see over the past few months. *sigh*


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sports, tv: the flash, books, movies, comics: star wars, my life so hard

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