there's too many of you dying

Feb 01, 2017 11:55

as per usual for things that I've procrastinated on long enough that they've become objects of intense anxiety, now that I've grown up and done them, I'm amazed at how easy they were. Self, why do you do this to yourself all the time? WHY?

I mean, I've gotten better about it, mostly, certainly enough to know when I'm doing it, and often that's enough to kick me into not doing it? but not this time. The combination of existential dread and January certainly did a number on me last month. But when I leave work now, it's not totally dark yet! I know spring is coming, though again, the everything else going on right now can easily douse that small bit of hope. Deep breaths and baby steps, I guess.

Part of my coping mechanism is retreating to beloved comfort viewing/reading, though current events have curtailed that somewhat (off the list now: the last three HP movies, which I have in the past rewatched more times than is probably healthy, but oy, I got to part where the Ministry had fallen and had to turn it off. Also, The West Wing is too hurty, too full of what we never actually had but what I wanted to believe our government was striving for. Maybe it will be easier again later on?), but now that my shows are returning from hiatus, I'm trying to keep up. So.

The Flash: Dead or Alive
GET IT CISCO. CURSE YOUR DOPENESS VIBE! Gosh, they were cute and hot together, though why Gypsy? I know she's a comics character, but couldn't we have changed her name?

Also, given the Arwen reference earlier in the episode, I was kind of expecting a Mount Doom crack from Cisco when they landed above that volcano? Lava field? (though as per usual with this show, Anakin Skywalker references would also be appropriate!) I saw someone mention it was Apokolips? Or an Earth that Darkseid had conquered? And I can roll with that. Why didn't she take him back to Earth 19 though? Otoh, Miss Tessmacher!

Though Cisco, s1!Wells always supported you? Except when he was murdering you I guess? (They have never been good at distinguishing the fact that they didn't actually know Earth 1 Wells, that it was Thawne!Wells the whole time. This annoys other people more than it annoys me, usually, but last night I was like, "Really, Cisco?") Other than that, I thought it was a really nice moment for the two of them, and now I'm more convinced that HR is going to bite it heroically in May. (And possibly also Julian, but I am enjoying Julian's Debbie Downer approach to team dynamics right now. And also his pragmatic approach to helping, rather than just offering yet another pep talk that boils down to "Run faster, Barry!") Otoh, maybe HR will just travel the multiverse, telling his pulpy stories. ("Now I've got a plasma cannon, ho ho ho." Do you think they have Die Hard on Earth 19, or were there more movie nights where Cisco dropped the modern movie canon on HR for his betterment?)

I honestly thought there were going to be more sinister revelations about HR than that he's serializing his work and sending it back to Earth-19, and I thought that's what the stinger would be about, but it was just Barry and Wally being cute together. WALLY! ♥♥♥♥♥ JLU Wally will always be my Flash in my heart of hearts, but I do love these two doofuses even when Barry's being a dumbass. And I definitely enjoyed him teaming up with Iris, even if none of that made any sense whatsoever realistically. Especially Iris trolling Joe with the thought of grandbabies. Hee!

So that was fun.

Steven Universe: Gem Heist
This was mostly set up, but it also gave us a lot of insight into current Homeworld attitudes - the Amethysts are looked down on for being born on earth, Holly Blue Agate is a condescending bigot middle manager, the Crystal Gems have a hard time fitting themselves back into the roles they were created for, and Steven is familiar with heist movie tropes. "I'll be Esteban Universidad!" and then "Probrecito Esteban." Hee!

Sapphire was also great. "Will this work?" "...No." Future vision is a bitch, man.

Greg seems to be settling in well at the Zoo. Surprisingly there were other current humans there, which I was not expecting. I'm excited to see how this turns out, and what effect Steven has on these Homeworld gems who have so far not been exposed to his brand of sunny inexorability.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
Bride of the Rat God by Barbara Hambly, which I enjoyed a lot. The length of time it took me to read it shouldn't be taken as a judgement of my enjoyment, just the cost of acclimating to a new, more choppy commute.

What I'm reading now
The Wangs vs. the World by Jade Chang, which I am enjoying so far. It's about a cosmetics magnate who loses everything in the 2008 financial crisis and takes his family on a cross country road trip to go and live with the eldest (and not bankrupt) daughter.

What I'm reading next
If I can manage it before they're due back, Bellevue: Three Centuries of Medicine and Mayhem at America's Most Storied Hospital by David M. Oshinsky and The Nix by Nathan Hill, because NYPL likes to drop all my holds in my lap at once, despite telling me I'm like, 39th or 257th on the hold list when I sign up. *hands*


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, tv: steven universe, my life so hard

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