I hope that you don't think I'm unkind

Jan 31, 2017 11:22

Last night I dreamt that Kara and Barry had gotten together and were trying to get Jane Villanueva to loosen up and she ended up dating Mon-El, who was working as a busker in the East Village. Clearly I have been watching too much CW TV.

About which:
Supergirl: We Could Be Heroes
Man, they are just not handling the James-Guardian storyline well at all. Kara's wrong to think that she gets to decide who is or isn't a hero, but her reasoning here was so poor. She works alongside non-powered humans EVERY DAY at the DEO, INCLUDING ALEX, and also she's met Oliver and Sara and Thea et al., none of whom have superpowers! The tack to take with James was not "puny humans get hurt" but "you have no training and no authority." (I mean, Kara can make that argument as she works under the auspices of a govt agency and so is not technically a vigilante unlike Clark or Barry or Ollie etc.) (I won't even go into the terrible optics of the blonde white lady telling the black guy that he's basically a member of an inferior race. I mean, what.)

And the thing is, James is allegedly a Pulitzer winning photojournalist. How is that NOT as heroic as everyone else? How is that NOT making an impact on people's lives? That's the thing about Lois Lane - she's as much a hero as anyone in the DCU, and she knows it! Moreover, Clark and Bruce and Diana et al. know it. So having it completely ignored here in favor of a dumb retread of every boring dude superhero story is just blah. Not everyone is a hero in the same way! Nor do they need to be! Why is this so hard for Berlantiverse writers to understand?

She was also wrong for letting Mon-El out into the field after that training session where the little cardboard girl got killed. Like, the next level after Superhero Kindergarten isn't Out in the Field. It's, like, Superhero Middle School. Come on!

At least Livewire called them out about it. Dumb boys who don't call in the actual superhero to get the job done.

I enjoyed all of Alex and Maggie, and I enjoy Mon-El a lot when the show isn't making him Kara's love interest - he called James a professionally handsome desk person, which actually seems legit - but they're just going to drag it out even though it's also blah. At least he just confessed his feelings and then went away rather than haranguing her about whether or not she reciprocates.

Jane the Virgin: Chapter Fifty-Three
Oh Petra. I'm so happy she didn't return to full-on villainy, and that Rafael FINALLY realizes she needs help! Of course, Scott is going to ruin everything, but hopefully Raf and Petra and Jane and Michael will all team up to thwart him. And I'm really loving Jane and Rafael's honest friendship and parenting relationship here. Good job, show!

I'm glad the show addressed all the stresses that accompany becoming a lawyer. Last week Michael was so blithe about the whole thing, as if he didn't know or understand the process it involved, so it was good to see reality hit this week. I totally understood Jane's stress! I'm so happy Alba loved the novel! I love their relationship so much! But of course Jane couldn't leave the novel alone. I mean, she did finally, but not without spiralling into a morass of attempted rewrites first. Best to save that for after the critique, Jane!

And Catalina, showing surprising humanity! I'm glad she didn't go through with betraying Raf, though I'm not sure what the point of any of her was if she doesn't come back to haunt them in some way. Then again, I guess her actions helped Scott, so there's that.

I'm enjoying the De La Vega Factor! But I still want Ro and Xo to get back together. Sigh.

And for non CW tv, there were two episodes of Steven Universe last night: Steven's Dream and Adventures in Light Distortion! Now, I did not see the leaked episodes, so please don't spoil me beyond what aired last night!


I like how they're humanizing Blue Diamond but she is still terrible and terrifying! Did she mean the cluster, which is currently pacified? Or is there some other catastrophe on the way that the CGs don't yet know about?

And Korea, huh? I enjoyed that little meta montage, though I honestly thought it was going to be inside Lion's mane. And why didn't they use Lion to travel instead of Andy?

Oh Steven. I understand being angry and I do think it's unfair how much has been kept from him, but you can't just go haring off into space! Let Peridot explain how the ship works! Make a plan! I mean, obviously they were not going to spend 70 years in space, but they didn't know that! I honestly thought they'd all gotten poofed and I was looking forward to seeing their new configurations, but I guess this worked too.

Also, the Rubies! I hope they get picked up on the way home.

And lastly, surely we must see an episode of Connie, Peridot, and Lapis defending Beach City while the Crystal Gems are away? Surely the show is going to give me that! I know, I know, don't call you Shirley! (Don't answer if you know! I don't want to be spoiled!)

In other news, here's the January writing roundup:

No Exit (@ AO3)
Star Wars; Darth Vader/Ahsoka Tano; adult; 2,525 words
Ahsoka promised not to leave him again and Vader was going to hold her to it.

Contains nonconsensual and highly dubiously consensual sex, inappropriate uses of the Force, and nonconsensual breathplay (i.e., Force choking).

Talk about a truly niche pairing. Unfortunately, writing it seems to have made a couple of people think I'd be into Reylo? Which I am not. The only interaction I want them to have is when she beats him repeatedly and finally kills him with his damn grandfather's lightsaber. In the words of CJ Cregg, I want her to make him cry and then I want her to tell his mama about it. *hands*

Also, I thought this was a great gif set that bolsters my belief that Rey is a Skywalker. Especially the top two. I am just saying.


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people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, monthly writing roundup, tv: supergirl, tv: jane the virgin, tv: steven universe, the skywalker family tragedy

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