he sat in her boudoir while she freshened up

Jan 29, 2017 15:08

The world spins madly, terribly on, and I hope you all are keeping safe while engaging in what resistance you can.

umadoshi linked to this article in Vanity Fair, which talks about Carrie Fisher and Princess General Leia Organa as an icon of resistance. In case you needed a good cry (as opposed to a terrified cry from watching the news).

In similar news, I have discovered a flaw in my grand glittery plans, which is the biodegradable glitter I bought isn't just glitter? It's got pigment, which means instead of a a gel that dries clear, like aloe or coconut oil (or shea butter? I haven't tried that yet), but leaves the glitter behind, there's also a definite color tint (I guess because they are used for making soap or candles?), which means I've now made a really lovely blue glittery gel eyeshadow and a glittery copper lip balm. Um. Not the plan but while I'm sourcing different biodegradable glitter (Etsy has a number of possibilities), I'll use the small samples of what I've already got to continue on, even though not all of them are typical makeup colors. *hands* Live and learn.

January talking meme, day 29!!!

dhampyresa asked: Favourite lightsaber in Star Wars?
As much as I love Ahsoka's white lightsabers - and I do - and Ventress's cool curved hilts, the answer has to be Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber. Possibly because it's the first one we ever see, and thus is the platonic ideal of a lightsaber, and it's beautiful but simple, with clean lines and solid construction, clearly well-built to have survived so much. (I still want to know how Maz ended up with it! Hondo had to be involved, right?)

Hilariously, when you look at the lightsaber hilts all together, they resemble really fancy vibrators, and in that case a curved hilt is probably better? But I'm sticking by my answer.

And as a follow-up to yesterday's meme answer, Alex asked, If you could ask Carrie Fisher and J.K. Rowling 1 question and give them one piece of advice each, what would they be?
I have no advice for either of them, but I'd ask JKR why Sirius and Remus both got such ignominious deaths. Actually I'd ask her what the hell the whole Tonks/Remus thing was supposed to be, because that came out of nowhere and never actually worked at all, regardless of my own shipping tendencies. Taking the two characters most strongly coded as gay and shoving them together in a kind of creepy het romance was a big wtf for me.

I think Carrie Fisher understood how important she was to women and girls, though I'd want to make sure she knew how much of that was as herself, not just as Leia. *hands*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/906330.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, hp, perfect space princess, memes: 31 days of december, anakin skywalker: human disaster, shopping, makeup

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