we keep it down with the radio on

Jan 28, 2017 14:44

I probably should not have said I was going to sleep hard this weekend because sleep was unfortunately difficult. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went to bed early! And then proceeded to be 1. unable to get to sleep and then 2. unable to stay asleep once a reasonable facsimile of sleep was achieved. Bah. Also, I don't understand why it's so hard to sleep at night but that short bit between, say, 6:45 am, when I wake up to pee, and 7:30 am, when my alarm goes off, is the sweetest, warmest, best sleep ever. What the fuck.


for day 28 of the talking meme, Alex from Goodreads asked: list 5 famous people (dead or alive) you would have coffee with.

This was really hard! But I think this is a pretty good list:

1. Carrie Fisher
2. Ursula K. LeGuin
3. Bruce Springsteen
4. Lin-Manuel Miranda
5. J.K. Rowling


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/906181.html.
people have commented there.

memes: 31 days of december, my life so hard

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