i'm gonna drink that sun

Jan 21, 2017 15:00

Five things make a post:

a. I found this post by Chuck Wendig comforting yesterday: No One's Coming To Save Us, So We Have To Save Each Other.

ii. I'm not marching for a couple of reasons but I have been heartened by many of the pictures I've seen, and enjoyed the fannish ones like Melissa Benoist and this Princess Leia sign.

3. I saved this tutorial on making body glitter gel so spent some time this morning doing that, though I used little roller ball bottles so you can roll it on like perfume. It was easy and sparkly, and so having bought a bunch of supplies, I will likely be giving little glittery gifts to people for the next few months. Do not doubt my commitment to sparkle motion.

D. I thought I'd found a vid I'd been hoping someone had made, but it turned out to suffer from talking throughout (why is this so popular now? it just jars me right out of the vid when the talky meat starts talking.) so really, someone should make a Star Wars ladies vid to "Castle" without any dialogue to interfere.

5. For the January talking meme,
innie_darling asked me If you could, right now, create a TV show and have complete control (it would either be you or people you've picked) over the writing, casting, directing, etc., what would that show be?

I've thought about this a lot and while there are no really original ideas I want, and without repeating the Gotham Central and Blue Beetle ideas, I thought about an Organa family political style drama, and a live action show where we see Ahsoka's life between the end of the novel and the beginning of Rebels, but what I really want (and I kind of can't decide between them) is this:

♦ "Does Whatever a Spider Can!" with Peter Parker as a married 30yo high school bio teacher trying to keep body and soul together while he mentors Miles Morales and Anya Sofia Corazon as teenage superheroes, since no one else is willing to do it. There could be appearances by the Young Avengers and Rikki Barnes. ELI COULD BE A RECURRING CHARACTER. but mostly it would be Peter and Miles trying to get through the day as teacher and student and be superheroes at night while working in a world that doesn't really appreciate them. I would keep Andrew Garfield as Peter and find a new kid to be Miles, and film it in Queens as it should be filmed. Maybe let Greg Weisman write it, since he seemed to get Spidey in Spectacular Spider-Man?

♦ "Keeping Up with the Waynes," the Batfamily hangout sitcom, probably centered on Alfred's POV, with Bruce (played by Jon Hamm) sort of an occasional presence, but really more concerned with various Batgirls and Robins in their various incarnations and split between stately Wayne Manor and the Wayne Tower penthouse/bunker, featuring Dick, Babs, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Damian, and Duke, with occasional appearances by other characters - Tam and Lucius Fox, Helena and Dinah, Kate and Renee, Maps Mizoguchi, Kon and Bart, etc. But not focused on the superheroics. Like, maybe there'd be some detective work, but it'd mostly be in the background as they ate waffles and complained about having to get bloodstains out of leather and write papers/attend galas/run Wayne Enterprises etc. with Alfred watching over them benevolently. We'd see Dick as the society darling of the paparazzi, Steph and Jason both in school - Steph unsure of a path or major or even why she's there at all, but Jason studying sociology and planning to be a social worker, Tim having long since graduated and running Wayne Enterprises, Babs as Oracle, and Cass in her ballet classes and maybe working with little kids somehow, Damian's disdain for school and the series of hilariously escalating notes he forges to get him out of class.

I feel like the dialogue here should be Sorkin-y, so let Sorkin write it but have someone else direct and run the show, but have it be separate from the Berlanti-verse shows, so it could be its own thing.

Not terribly original, but definitely fun if done right! *g*


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/904222.html.
people have commented there.

batman, does whatever a spider can, memes: 31 days of december, you should totally write that, batgirls and robins, makeup

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