waiting for the eastern glow

Jan 03, 2017 10:26

Cold and drizzly and meh, which, you know, don't get me wrong, I'll take drizzly and in the 40s over sunny and in the single digits, despite how poorly I respond to the lack of sunlight, but meh. It just underlines that the holidays are over (unless you live in a place that celebrates Epiphany) and it's back to the daily grind and so begins the long stretch of gray winter. At least the commute was okay? Meh.

Anyway! The January talking meme, day 3:

misbegotten asked: If you had to wear a single color every day for the month of January, what would it be and why?

Black! Because I live in NYC! But seriously though, I own a lot of black clothing. I always have. I like it. It goes with everything (except sometimes other shades/fabrics of black), it doesn't show stains (important when everywhere you walk is sometimes covered in slushy gray stuff), and it's easy. Occasionally, it's even stylish.

Now, if I lived in the Southern Hemisphere and we were coming up on summer - *sob* glorious summer! - the answer would be blue! Because when I did the recent revamp of my summer wardrobe to mainly be dresses, I discovered that I always went for the blue! option. So much so that I had to consciously remind myself that other colors existed and were good too! (sometimes I feel like Julia Roberts in "Steel Magnolias" except instead of my colors being blush and bashful, they're navy and cadet. *hands*)

So yeah, black and blue, that's my personal ~aesthetic.

There's still a few days open this month if you have a thing you want me to talk about! Comment here to let me know.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/899169.html.
people have commented there.

memes: 31 days of december, shopping

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