was he was waiting for you to fall

Dec 04, 2016 12:20

Last night, I dreamt that Ewan McGregor was actually the devil in disguise and he went around seducing people for their souls and I woke up and thought:

1. that's hilarious because didn't he just play Jesus in a movie recently? and

2. it would totally explain how one man could be so ridiculously charming. I mean, my tumblr tag for him is #so fucking charming. I'm just saying. I would totally let myself be seduced by Ewan McGregor, even at the cost of my soul. Who wouldn't?


Star Wars Rebels: An Inside Man
I was expecting Kallus to be the new Fulcrum, but I was still pleased with how they pulled it off, and how the Ghost crew responded to the revelation. This was a fun episode, though I hoped the factory saboteurs were smarter than that - making the bikes explode past a certain speed was smart, but the walker falling apart on its first step was not. I gather the TIE defender is an EU thing that was just recanonized, but I was wondering if that wasn't a feint and the real thing they're hiding is the Death Star, as a lead in to Rogue One.

Speaking of Rogue One, in the twenty minutes between my getting the email that tickets were on sale and my purchasing tickets (i.e., the time it took for L. to get back to me that she didn't really want to go), the 84th Street theater with the recliners was sold out for the Friday night 8 pm show. So I bought a ticket for Saturday at 2 pm. But then I discovered that the theater in my neighborhood wasn't sold out, so I did get a Friday night ticket after all. (I can't go Thursday because that night I have to bake for the office holiday potluck on Friday.) So I'll be seeing it both Friday night and Saturday afternoon. Hopefully it warrants it.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/890967.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: star wars rebels, movies: star wars, dreams

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