Friday stuff:
= Pitch: Alfonzo Guzman-Chavez
Oy, the flashbacks. Not just that they exist, but that they tied the dad's death to the only friend's drunk dad! Really?
Otherwise, this was a lot of fun, though like Ginny, I was surprised to be sad to see Tommy go. Especially after she was so rude to his kid! I mean, we're meant to see that as a flaw, right? Blip calls her on it - rightly - afterwards, but we never got to see her apologize to the kid! And now Tommy's gone.
I also thought they did a really good job making me care about a player I don't think I ever even saw before with the dude who got passed around like a hot potato during the wheeling and dealing.
I knew they weren't going to trade Blip, which is good because I love him and Evelyn so much! "You know I don't keep secrets from Evelyn and she can't keep a secret from Ginny!" <333
I also like that Amelia read Eliot so wrong, but then stepped up like an adult to tell Ginny in person, while Mike gave her a phone call instead. And Ginny seemed okay with it, but I'm sure there'll be some fall out at some point.
= Cool
interview with Eddie Jemison, whom you may recognize from his role as Stacey Boss on iZombie or Livingston Dell in the Ocean's movies.
= Speaking of the Ocean's movies, have you seen
the on-set pics of Cate Blanchett, Sandra Bullock, and Helena Bonham Carter? I still don't understand why we're not getting a full crew of eleven (cue jokes about women getting 70% of what men get) but I'm excited this is happening! Please don't suck!
= October recs update:
unfitforsociety has been updated for
October 2016 with 10 recs in 5 fandoms:
3 Star Wars *
3 Six of Crows*
2 Check, Please!*
1 Captain America & 1 Batfamily = I posted a story yesterday:
the dream of flight persists (on
Star Wars/Firefly; Anakin/Kaylee, ensemble; AU; pg; 16,740 words
Anakin's never found much serenity himself, despite all the meditation he's been subjected to over the years; maybe working on this ship will do it.
Listen, when I came up with this idea, it was supposed to be a context-free PWP full of engine talk as sex metaphors and yet there is not one engine pun of any sort in this story! I did get in a tiny bit of robot arm porn, because I'm me, but otherwise, I don't even know what happened! It turned into something a lot different from what I was expecting, and only part of that is because of baby Jedi River (how has no one else ever used that tag on AO3? Fandom, what are you spending your time on?). Part of it was also the title, which seemed weightier than a PWP could bear, but so fitting for these characters!
Otoh, as I was bemoaning its ever increasing length (no pun intended!) to
angelgazing, I was like, well, you can definitely tell it's a story by me: there's a fraught conversation over tea, and another while someone is in the shower, and there's some hammock sex it's but offscreen, and nothing actually happens? Okay, that's not quite true. Spoiler: there is a very brief lightsaber fight. And obviously there are a couple of character/emotional arcs playing out.
It's also not the single dad Anakin story I had previously planned on writing, though it bears some similarities. I might still write that one anyway. In that still-unwritten story, the kids are slightly older and more active participants and it's a different pairing anyway. *hands* Either way, in this area, fandom comes through, because the term "Dadakin" makes me laugh even more than "Dad Vader." Oh fandom.
Anyway, I just kept coming up with bits that I felt needed to be in the story, and I don't know, it was just so easy and pleasant to write even as I was like, "Why is this so long? What is happening?" I think part of it was just how much I always loved writing in the Firefly 'verse, and how easily that came back to me even though the whole story is in Anakin's POV. I mean, 16K in 10 days from start to finish is not a bad output. It was also surprisingly easy to fold Firefly into Star Wars - lop off the refugees-from-Earth backstory, add FTL travel, and it works fine. And it gives me joy to reread it, so you know, score one for me.
= Here is the poem from whence the title of the above story comes:
This Heavy Craft
The wax has melted
but the dream of flight
I, Icarus, though grounded
in my flesh
have one bright section in me
where a bird
night after starry night
while I'm asleep
unfolds its phantom wings
and practices.
~P.K. Page
As I said, it seemed fitting.
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