i was spending nights at home full-throttle

Oct 20, 2016 10:44

I put on Arrow last night and didn't recognize a majority of the characters in the Arrow cave, and then it was confirmed that the time travel shenanigans on Flash meant that the Diglet was no more and some pretender named John was in her place, so I just ended up watching the Rangers game instead. Fucking Jimmy Howard standing on his head (note: I actually generally root for the Red Wings when they aren't playing the Rangers but come on).

I guess missing the last...five or so episodes really does matter. *hands* Otoh, the fact that the flashbacks have finally reached Anatoly and the Bratva gives me hope that I'll want to catch up at some point.

In other news, I can usually tell when a story of mine has been linked or recced somewhere, because there's a sudden flurry of kudos, but I can almost never find out where it's happened. Tumblr search is useless. It will show me one current result and then things from 2014 when I put "musesfool" in the search box, even with "recent" appended to the URL, and even trying to find out when someone's atted me (i.e., @cacchieressa) is stupidly hit or miss; again, the recent results disappear after a while and I'm left with things from two or three years ago. And since I only go on tumblr in the evenings after work, I feel like I might miss the occasional time someone is actually trying to talk to me over there? It doesn't happen much (I don't know why; I don't intend to be off-putting! It's just that I literally almost never go on tumblr at work and so won't see it for hours) but it feels rude not to respond the times it does happen, and yet Tumblr thwarts me.

Anyway! Ignoring how terrible Tumblr is for so many reasons for the moment, why is my ability to find out where I've been recced so lousy? Or am I misinterpreting and it's not a rec, just a weird confluence of events? Or is it happening in private/somewhere I don't have access to and therefore not visible to search engins? Inquiring minds want to know!

(This is like the opposite of the very true and cogent advice to not google yourself too often but in these cases I often do want to know if someone is talking about me - I mean, since it appears to have resulted in kudos rather than condemnation I'm going to hope it's saying something mostly positive; I don't need to read about it if people don't like me or my stories.)

Okay work has interrupted me about a million times so I don't even know anymore what I was saying or if it makes sense so I'm just going to hit post.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/880425.html.
people have commented there.

tv: arrow, fannishness

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