twisting in the water just like a dream

Oct 05, 2016 10:48

The Flash: Flashpoint
This had some fun stuff in it - "The Flash I know is not this stupid." PREACH, THAWNE. I actually enjoyed him a lot here, which is new. I mean, I enjoyed Wells-Thawne, but never Thawne himself all that much. Though Barry spent a lot of last season being dumber than a box of hammers, so idek. Everything about billionaire Cisco and Kid Flash Wally was GOLD. I missed Wells (whatever version), but I really liked the Iris-Wally crime-fighting siblings thing a lot. Bring that back to the current timeline, Barry!

Otoh, the new timeline needed to be much more terrible to justify Barry not only killing his parents again, but a shit-ton of other people who are probably still alive because there was no singularity above Central City and no way for Zoom to come through and terrorize Earth 1. Like, Joe being an alcoholic and Wally getting shanked isn't really enough to justify undoing all that but I guess the timeline is always going to try to reassert itself, so best just get the parricide over with.

I mean, this show basically relies on Grant Gustin and Jesse L Martin being adorable, so of course I want the original timeline back as much as possible. Um, let's not get into the fact that Barry really was restoring the original timeline, because Thawne is the one who changed it by killing Nora. *shakes head* It's time travel, Jake; you can't make it better, you can only make it worse. Have we learned nothing from the Terminator?

Anyway! For an episode that did a lot of things I rolled my eyes at, I did enjoy it, and I hope this season Barry stops being dumb and mopey and starts being fun and smart again.

Plus, next week, Felicity cameos! I still ship them! And man, screw certain segments of Arrow fandom, I still love her.

You can tell I'm not used to shows being back on because while I watched The Flash (mainly because Alyssa texted me a picture of herself in her Flash outfit to show how ready she was for s3), I totally forgot B99 was on, too. I have the Mets game tonight, so I probably won't get to it (or Arrow) until tomorrow at the earliest. I love the playoffs, but they sure do wreak havoc with my tv watching.


What I'm reading Wednesday:

What I've just finished
Roses and Rot by Kat Howard, which I liked, but which I wish I liked more. I know this is more a problem of my expectations than the book itself, but like, I kept expecting Imogen to realize she was in Tam Lin, and she never did! Did that one folktale just not exist despite all the others being referenced? And possibly I found this disappointing and unbelievable because of how much I generally enjoy remixes and retllings of Tam Lin, but yeah. I was like, seriously, do you not know which story you're actually in!? for like the last third of the book. The writing is lovely and I liked that the focus was on the sisterly relationship, but yeah. I had an issue that made it hard for me to love this book the way I hoped to.

Magnus Chase and the Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan (or whatever the actual title configuration is). I think at this point, you either enjoy Riordan's schtick or you don't, and I do, quite a bit (the main exception so far is that Apollo book - I liked it but I didn't really like Apollo that much, unlike how much I love Percy and like all the other kids across the various series). They're quick, entertaining reads that generally feature interesting kids and fun spins on mythology. They also feature a diverse cast of characters without too much lecturing, which can only be a plus. And this one doesn't even end on a cliffhanger, though the last line made me squee quite loudly. I can't wait for the next one!

What I'm reading now
Goldenhand by Garth Nix. Man, I really timed my reading of the Old Kingdom books correctly, because I did not know there was going to be a new book, but then there was! And even though goodreads says its publication date is next week, I downloaded it yesterday and started it this morning. Lirael! Her new robot magic hand! Nick! New characters and settings!

What I'm reading next
I have the newest Lady Trent book but also next Tuesday, Star Wars: Ahsoka comes out. I AM EXCITE. ♥AHSOKA♥


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memes: what i'm reading wednesday, tv: the flash, books, books: percy jackson

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