we're heroes and we're pioneers, we're beggars and we're choosers

Oct 04, 2016 12:10

For our listening pleasure, someone put together a youtube playlist of all the Gang Starr songs that are episode titles in Luke Cage.


misbegotten gave me some pairings for this meme, where I"m supposed to talk about those couples/characters and fics that you wish the universe would write for you.

Kirk/McCoy (AOS)
I enjoy the "everyone thinks they're together but they don't realize it" trope a lot for them. Also their BFF-y banter makes me happy. Cranky confessions that end in kissing! Maybe some role reversal where Bones gets injured and Kirk fusses over him. Maybe in the wake of the latest movie, them helping/guiding Jaylah during her time at Starfleet Academy (along with the rest of the crew)? I don't really read a lot in this fandom, but I do ship them pretty hard in the rebootverse.

Gosh, what stories don't I want for them? I want Natasha and Steve dealing with Bucky's choices at the end of CACW, I want future fic where they're all happily together, I want the story of how they negotiate the relationship from all angles: where there's an established pair who loops in the third member, where none of them are together but they're all quietly pining, I want slow burns and sex pollen, oblique declarations of love that have to be deciphered, domesticity, road trips, all of it. Somehow I never did come up with an OT3 tag for them, but man, I still ship it.

Leia & Luke or Leia/Luke
I don't actually ship them (shocking, I know!) unless Han is also there, but also I still don't believe Luke has sex? but goddamn, why are they always in separate storylines when they are so much more fun together? Give me all the eerie twin Force telepathy stuff, give me them taking down pirates and slavers in the early days of the New Republic, give me them going to Naboo to meet their mother's family and learn some history, give me time travel where they actually get to meet their parents, give me hotshot pilot/biker Leia whose need for speed rivals her brother's and husband's. Give me the stories of their terrible and reckless plans that never survive contact with the enemy but somehow always end up saving the day!

In the more current era, give me them mentoring Rey and Finn, give me Leia flying with Poe and Luke, give me the slow thawing of Leia's attitude towards their father now that the shoe's on the other foot and she needs to believe there's still good in her son (it's so slow, and always incomplete, stopping short of forgiveness but allowing for detente in discussing it with Luke and Rey now, where before she tried so hard to never think or talk about it at all after the revelation ruined everything).

I've reached the stage where I just want happy domesticity for them. Let them live and grow old together in a cottage somewhere they can run free under the full moon and have all the grand nieces and nephews show up to visit and learn the ways of the Marauders.

Give me the story of this team when all the young guns in the rotation are healthy and Bartolo Colon is the wise sage who guides them! I mean, I am not going to give up on this season until they are totally out of it, but I want them to be healthy and to fulfill the promise a deGrom, Syndergaard, Harvey, Matz, Wheeler rotation could provide. Alternately, I am really pleased with Colon, Gsellman and Lugo stepping up when the rest of the pitching is falling apart. *hands* There's a reason my tag for them on tumblr is #the existential futility of being a mets fan It's hard, you know?


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/876090.html.
people have commented there.

memes: fannish, tv: luke cage, this is captain america calling, otp/shipping, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, youtube, music, you should totally write that, the futility of being a mets fan, sirius/remus:meta

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