so anyway, here's wonderwall

Aug 27, 2016 11:55

Saturday morning randomness:

= so I'm at Dom's again dad-sitting since it's move-in weekend up at Oswego and they're spending the weekend up there and won't be back till Sunday evening, so I'm on dad and dog patrol. Last time the puppy stayed with friends and I just had Tuck, the old shepherd-pitbull mix to take care of, and Tuck is very mellow. the puppy - an adorable Havanese-Pomeranian mix, is, you know, a puppy, so there's been a lot more yapping and jumping than I'm used to. Luckily, he's tiny and easy to handle as necessary.

= I walked here from the train station yesterday afternoon and missed the second turn after the 7-Eleven and ended up walking in a big loop back to the main road, which I was most displeased about since I was schlepping my overnight bag and it was hot as balls out. I went back to the 7-Eleven but they were like, "No, we've never heard of that street" when I asked where it was, and then I realized I'd missed the turn DIRECTLY BEHIND THE 7-ELEVEN, and it is literally two blocks away. Ugh, stupid suburban developments where everyone drives and everything is curving cul-de-sacs instead of proper gridlike streets.

= Bartolo Colon! His second 2-hit game of the season! (I don't mean he threw a two-hitter, because he didn't. I mean he had two hits! Amazing!) #delightfully nimble

= For years I have tried and failed to get my hair up into a bun. It shouldn't be that hard! L. mocks me when I tell her this, but no clips can hold my hair! You can't stop it! You can't even hope to contain it! Even the hairdresser ends up using five or six of those huge banana clips to move it around and even then, they don't hold for that long. I keep looking at tutorials for long/curly/thick hair but I guess I'd need a million bobby pins to hold it up, and I don't have the patience for that.

= someone reblogged a joke about Wonderwall on tumblr and now I'm earwormed.

= 'Gotham' Boss Says Superheroes 'Don't Work' on TV, Is Wrong. I just don't even know why DC hires people who want to run away from the comics rather than embrace them. Aside from Berlanti, who clearly gets it. Or maybe I'm just forever bitter that we could have had a live-action Gotham Central and instead we got a crappy show about tween Bruce Wayne. Idek. I stopped watching somewhere in the first season.

= Otoh, there's this hilarity about Steve during his time as Nomad. Comics, everybody! As I said in my tags there, even with all his issues - and he does have them - Steve is way too mentally and emotionally healthy to be Batman! I mean, seriously.

Okay, that's 7 things, I guess that can make a post.


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