take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust

Aug 26, 2016 10:50

After watching the Mets game - every game a rollercoaster! - I went to bed and fell asleep right away. And then was awake from 2:30 - ~5 am. Blergh. Why?


Steven Universe: Mindful Education
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ There are simply not enough emoji hearts for me to draw around this episode. My gosh, what a fantastic eleven minutes of television. That I could have really used as a kid, tbh. Over on the AV Club, some commenters mention that SU acts as a kind of spiritual successor to Mr. Rogers, and this episode really brings that home. I can totally hear Mr. Rogers saying, "It's okay to have scary thoughts. It's okay feel bad things." But you have to acknowledge them and examine them, or they'll just keep messing you up.

Do you know how many years of therapy it took for me to learn that (I can't say I've internalized it, necessarily, but I've gotten better with deploying the coping strategies, anyway)? /end TMI

And how it all tied into everything's Steven's learned (is learning) about Rose. Oh my heart. And the animation was beautiful.

Plus, Garnet remains the best Gem. I mean, I do love Peridot and Lapis and Pearl and Amethyst and I've enjoyed all the other fusions and the Rubies etc., but GARNET. THE SIGN. "Hold the phone. Now give the phone to me." AND THEN THE SONG. "Take a moment to remind yourself / to take a moment and find yourself." ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


There's Still Time to Change the Road You're On (at AO3)
Star Wars; Anakin, Leia, Luke; AU; 3,690 words
"Time travel? Are you kriffing kidding me?"

As I said yesterday, once I gave myself permission to not have to figure out (let alone write!) the alternate timeline created when Anakin goes back to his own time, this story basically wrote itself. I mean, I'd been stuck at like 200 words for a couple of months, and then I was like, "eh, I don't have to show what he does when he goes back" (or, more euphemistically, I leave it up to the reader to decide what he does) and suddenly I'd written 3000 words in two days.

Once the writing started happening, there were two main questions I asked myself (and
angelgazing) and those were:

1. How much drama is too much? I mean, there's a reason #the skywalkers have no chill is a tag that exists; and
2. Can I really have Anakin Skywalker say, "Don't call me Shirley" or is that too self-indulgent?

And the answers were:

1. Slightly less than there was in the original draft (Leia was a lot meaner before revisions; taking out some of her scathing remarks was like removing that one extra thing before leaving the house) and
2. It's self-indulgent but it made me laugh so what the hell.

On the other hand, I think that while he probably does avoid some pitfalls and maybe doesn't become Vader (someday later) this time around, he's still Anakin Skywalker: walking catastrophe, so he probably fucks up some other things along the way, and I'm sure he's not able to defeat Palpatine, so the Empire happens anyway. But maybe Alderaan doesn't end up blown up twenty years later, and Leia would certainly see that as a net win, I think.

It was also fun (and easier) to write from his POV since even though Luke and Leia don't actually know very much, he knows even less at this point (in my head it takes place between Mortis and Umbara somewhere, probably after the Padawan Lost arc, which is where Anakin is at his most mature, really; even Yoda's pleased with how things are going with him), but I also didn't have to write Luke and Leia arguing over what he should be told, if anything. And I keep switching back and forth in my head over who would be more adamant about protecting the timeline, but for real, Leia is always going to try to save Alderaan if she can, so she's the one who goes "fuck the timeline!" in the end.

So yeah, I guess that's my entry into the time travel fix-it genre in this fandom, though really for me, it's all about people yelling at Anakin to look at his life! Look at his choices! I could read (and write) millions of words of that and never be bored of it.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/866752.html.
people have commented there.

tv: steven universe, anakin skywalker: human disaster, the skywalker family tragedy, writing is hard!

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