Ugh, my left ear is all muffled and clogged again! I don't have any pain (yet?) but it's disheartening. I wonder if it's just a relapse? I finished the amoxicillin on Sunday night and I, um, forgot to use an earplug when I showered last night, so water could have gotten into my ear, though I didn't wash my hair and I didn't feel it happen; I just went from being able to hear clearly to being muffled like a switch was flipped. Idek. But I'm not happy about it at all.
Steven Universe: Back to the Moon
I KNEW IT. I KNEW ROSE SHATTERED PINK DIAMOND! (or possibly Pearl did it on her behalf, given how Pearl responded to that revelation.) I wonder if she used the breaking point to do it, or if it was even more brutal somehow, and that's why she was so against using the breaking point. I wonder if Bismuth knew and saw it as the height of hypocrisy (or maybe not, because she might have said something to Steven while they were fighting, or maybe not if she was still under the impression Steven = Rose).
Poor Steven. And then he gets shot out an airlock! At least he didn't lose a hand? I'm sure he bubbled to save himself from the horrors of being an unprotected human in space, but I imagine Greg's going to be upset when he hears about this little adventure.
Amethyst, having laid her Jasper issues to rest, was able to impersonate her! Plus, we got to see Sardonyx for a moment! <3
The Rubies are great though. Can we keep them?
What I'm reading Wednesday:
What I've just finished
I already talked about Harry Potter & the Cursed Child
Four Roads Cross by Max Gladstone, which I loved a lot. Now I can't decide if this, Three Parts Dead or Last First Snow is my favorite. (Two Serpents Rise is in the next tier, and then Full Fathom Five at the bottom, since I didn't really connect with that one for some reason.) I love everybody in this weird AU fantasy world!
Actually, I was kind of sad that Ms. Kevarian's cameo was so brief, and also that we didn't really get any meaningful interaction between Caleb and Tara [I wouldn't have minded a Temoc cameo, either, tbh], but I loved everything about Seril and the Gargoyles, and how Abelard is a living saint and Cat and Tara both having to reluctantly become priestesses! I'm not sure about the whole under the sea vampire community thing (what even was that?) or what the interlude with the dragon was about - I mean, I enjoyed the interlude with the dragon, but I'm not sure I understood why it was there? To give Tara insight, I guess? - but I enjoyed this a lot.
Darth Vader 24. Ah, now that's more like it.
Ugh, SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THAT FLASHBACK/FANTASY. Even now that he knows Luke is his son, he's still insisting Anakin is dead and that he killed him (I guess he also subscribes to that certain point of view, so it's hilariously hypocritical of him to throw shade at Obi-Wan for also passing it on that way to Luke; they both had to tell themselves that to move forward, I guess, like
selenak says, Anakin became Vader and Obi-Wan became Ben at the same time, and neither of them could be who they were before). LBR, though, he's not wrong that Obi-Wan should have killed him. I mean, I get all the various emotional layers that went into why he didn't, which is what makes it so great and so tragic, but it was also cruel and terrible thing to do and the whole galaxy paid for it repeatedly.
But with the Force all things are possible! Did he use the Force to override the override on his prosthetics? Because I've seen that mentioned in fic but didn't know if it was canon. I guess it is now!
And this is how messed up I am on this comic: when Aphra burst in to see the Emperor and said she had information for him, I was like, "I hope she's not betraying Vader!" *facepalm* I mean, the Emperor is definitely worse than Vader? For a variety of reasons? but none of them matter in the practical sense, so I still don't feel great about that reaction. Sigh.
What I'm reading now
Well, I started Red Rising by Pierce Brown since a few people I know said it was good, and
I didn't much care for the overwrought style or the narrator (I like my YA dystopias to have girl narrators!) and his wife was the most obvious fridging candidate I ever saw, and I was hoping that maybe the author was going to subvert the trope and the narrator would die and the wife would lead the revolution, because she was way more interesting as a person than he was, but nope. She got fridged and he got rescued. Blurgh. I put it on the "did not finish pile," but since
snacky assures me it gets better, I may pick it up again at some point. I should probably change that to "on hold."
Plastic Smile by SL Huang, the fourth Cas Russell book. And can I just say that I appreciate how she does not make Cas easy to like at all. These books still give me a kind of early Burke vibe, minus the sexual violence (which is actually a plus!), and I'm enjoying this one without thinking too hard about it.
What I'm reading next
I thought I was going to have an answer here, because I got an email from Amazon about the next Magnus Chase book, which comes out next week, but it turns out it's a tie-in guide about the Norse gods rather than the actual next book in the series, which still isn't due until October. Sigh.
Otoh, I just realized I had not received a "This book you ordered has been pushed back to 2017!" notice about The Obelisk Gate (unlike a handful of other books I've preordered - looking at you Ben Aaronovitch *cough*) and it's still showing a release date of 8/16/16, so probably that!
And hey, speaking of Star Wars, I find it tremendously annoying that I end up spending so much of my writing time looking up stuff (e.g., last night it was planet names and climates and locations on hyperspace routes) that no writing actually gets done. Arrgh. It's so annoying! I know I should just vague it up like I did with most of the midwest in SPN (easy enough to do with Google Maps; spend a lot of time talking about being on the road and a lot less time talking about the actual towns), but sometimes I want specific things for reasons, like a place that's got beaches, for example (I did find that, btw), or a monsoon season, and it's just annoying trying to find them. And I honestly don't think 98% of the people who read my stories care that much about that? But I live in fear of the 2% who'd be like, "X planet doesn't have that kind of weather!" in a comment (again, this has never happened to me! But I have seen some shit in other people's comments, especially in that fandom, where apparently every background detail has a history, even if most of it isn't canon anymore).
Also speaking of fangirl problems - and this one is going to sound super entitled but I kind of can't help it - I have a story hovering at 899 kudos and earlier in the week it had like 5990 hits, and I was hoping it would hit 900 and 6000 at the same time, because SYMMETRY, but it didn't and it's still hovering at 899, and it's kind of making me crazy. I mean, it's about 10 times more kudos than I ever expected so I'm not complaining! But you know I like things to end in even numbers or fives! My inbox, my tumblr queue, the numbers of comments on my posts and stories! Even numbers or fives! It's a thing! I know it's ridiculous but it makes me existentially uncomfortable to not have things that way.
Which is probably way more than anyone needed to know about my psyche. *snerk*
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