we know that it's probably magic

Aug 09, 2016 10:57

+ I haven't watched much of the Olympics, but yesterday, a dude named STEELE JOHNSON won a silver medal in synchronized diving (aka, the slashiest of sports, where it always looks one moment away from turning into gay porn). I have so much pride in my heart for that kid's parents. They rose up to that opportunity like champions. I am just saying. STEELE JOHNSON. *is the twelvest*

thatgirlnevershutsup made me fannish business cards! ♥♥♥

+ I am indeed a vile enabler! as evidenced by an ongoing conversation I've been having with
travelerfound regarding the possibility of an MCU/Dark Angel fusion, with Steve as Max and Bucky as Alec (and possibly also Ben?). Sam is Original Cindy! I haven't figured out who Natasha is yet, but likely another of Max's siblings. Rumlow is Ames White. Manticore is Hydra. It all makes sense! Possibly I should dig out my Dark Angel dvds and give it a rewatch. I have a lot of fondness for Max and Alec and Original Cindy. Someone who isn't me should totally write that so I can read it!

+ Speaking of fusion...I haven't really managed to talk about Steven Universe but I've been enjoying this Summer of Steven immensely. If you're wondering what the fuss is about,
kate_nepveu put together an alternate viewing order that skips right to where shit gets real, as it were. I mean, episodes are only 11 minutes long, so you can always go back and fill in the stuff you skipped if you decide you enjoy it. *hands*

Anyway, recently, IT HAS BEEN A LOT OF EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE. I MEAN A LOT. HOLY CRAP. SO MUCH STUFF REVEALED. LION! STEVONNIE FUSING AND FIGHTING! CENTIPEETLES! BISMUTH! ROSE QUARTZ BEING BORN ON EARTH! WHATEVER SHE DID (SHATTERED?) TO PINK DIAMOND! SMOKY QUARTZ! MEEP MORPS! LAPIS & PERIDOT BUDDY COMEDY! THE RUBIES! JASPER BEING THE WORST BUT ALSO, FOR ONE MOMENT, THE SADDEST! THE CREEPINESS OF HOMEWORLD AND ALSO OF CORRUPTION! I mean, Steven's gonna heal all that, right? With his dreamwalking powers and his healing spit? He's not infected though, right? They lingered on that cut in his shirt for quite a bit, considering. Or was that just to show how close he came to dying when he tried to help Jasper? Ugh, I know they're not going to kill him or permanently corrupt him, but I was worried! Oh Steven.

I can see why they did a bunch of low-key townie episodes before the last few because holy crap, it really is a lot and I can't really manage to have enough brain to write about it thoughtfully yet. Maybe I'll find some time rewatch at some point. Sigh.

+ Whoops, hit post too soon. I had a fifth thing: here's the Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life trailer! November 25! GIVE IT TO ME! Please don't suck!


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/861888.html.
people have commented there.

flove, we make our own fun, tv: gilmore girls, crossovers that should exist, tv: steven universe, tv: dark angel, you should totally write that

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