i'm the last splash

May 08, 2016 15:10

I spent the past two Mother's Days (since my mother died) getting my hair did, as that seemed like a nice way to avoid the hype and do something nice for myself, but also not sit around wallowing. I had a similar plan for today, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it after I had a bit of a crying jag this morning, which gave me a headache (compounded by the fact that I didn't have any coffee, since I was planning to go to the Starbucks next door to the salon, as I usually do), so when L. texted me to find out if I was at the salon, I was like, "...No, I can't get off the couch" but she was like, "Would you like to meet up for brunch?" So we did that, and it was good. The weather cleared so it's beautiful out now, which was, like, probably 30% of my mood issue, but also I just got home and discovered that my period had arrived (I expected it today, though the app I use said Wednesday), so that explains probably another 30% of my mood, with the rest being, you know, sad about my mom.

Anyway, my Q for the flist is this, if I normally just have them dye my hair my normal dark brown to cover my grays, could I instead have them dye it burgundy to cover the gray or would that require a dual process? Because there is no way these days that I can sit for the 3+ hours a dual process requires, but I also kind of want something different and exciting.

In more exciting news, here's video of Bartolo Colon's first ever career home run. Which is a big deal because he is 8 days shy of his 43rd birthday, which makes him the oldest player ever to hit a first homer. And also because he has worked really hard to become a better hitter, and it's paid off. And his pitching is still great, too. Great athletes come in all shapes, sizes, and ages. <3

And here are some cool CACW links (spoilers, obv):

+ How Bucky And Cap's "Amazing Relationship" Became The Center Of "Captain America: Civil War"

+ meta about Steve's apology to Tony at the end of the movie (um, probably don't click if you thought that apology was warranted)

+ a gif of my fave moment in the movie (also here)

+ really everything in my "Cap 3 spoilers" tag is worth looking at. Bucky just wanted some plums!

+ those stupidly hot Chris Evans photos from Rolling Stone

And completely unrelated to CACW:

angelgazing made me have Sirius feels so I wrote a small ficlet about his time in Azkaban. I guess it needs a title before I can put it up on Ao3 so if you have an idea, lemme know. I was thinking about "Misty, Watercolored" or maybe "No Exit" from the West Wing episode title list, but since he does escape, that wouldn't exactly fit, so. IDK.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/840199.html.
people have commented there.

sports, this is captain america calling, epic tragic century long love story, my life so hard, fic: hp, links, the futility of being a mets fan, sirius

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