a frenetic constellation of notes jerked from his dreams

Apr 30, 2016 12:05

Did you see the Mets had a historic TWELVE RUN inning last night against the Giants? IT WAS GLORIOUS. And the kind of thing that usually happens TO the Mets rather than FOR them. I guess it kind of makes up for them getting no-hit the last time they played the Giants.


This great post came across my tumblr dash last night, wondering about fandom in the GFFA, and I was like, there is totally billions of bytes of hilaribad RPF about the Jedi on the HoloNet and even Vader has never been able to completely eradicate it. (I actually have Ahsoka mention this in a story and Anakin is horrified that people think he might be sleeping with his 15yo padawan, even fictionally.) The Emperor doesn't care; he finds it hilarious and since it keeps Vader occupied, he allows it.

Otoh, whenever Queen & Knight: The Unauthorized Padme Amidala Story pops up on some torrent server, Vader is a literally lethal takedown notice. It's not enough that the actress looks NOTHING like Padme, but the movie also perpetrates the lie that she was secretly in love with OBI-WAN and that makes him even angrier with rage. (I imagine the fandom passed over Padme entirely in favor of Obi-Wan/Anakin, but maybe I'm just cynical.)

Of course, there are also fangirls who hoard their secret cache of "Hero With No Fear" newsreels (and the fictional serials based on them) and many years later, one of them, a major in the Rebellion's ground forces, presents copies to Luke, who is genuinely touched and excited about getting to see his father and Obi-Wan in action.

After the Battle of Endor, the supposedly limited run holonovela The Princess and the Smuggler goes into production, but it turns out to be so popular that they just keep adding story arcs and seasons to it. Luke is mostly puzzled by the whole thing (his character is a Jedi pilot hero but they cast a strapping 6' tall actor and he's never sure if he's annoyed or amused by that); Han wants to know if they're going to make any money off it, and Leia spends a lot of time over the years trying to sue the producers but it's just fictional enough that she can't make any headway, so she just has to accept that her entire life is a holonovela. (On the plus side, nobody ever painted her tits-out on the nose cone of a starfighter after that one time she verbally eviscerated the only guy who ever tried.)

Actually what this makes me want is a pirate radio AU, where maybe in addition to being smugglers, Han and Chewie run Rebel Radio, a sporadic Rebel broadcast and Luke listens to it when it occasionally pops up within range of his wireless, and that's an extra thing going on during the OT. I mean, it's written by Chewie, of course, who's the real revolutionary of the bunch, but Han is the voice coming to all you rebels and dreamers out there, wishing for a better galaxy while dancing to some sick beats.

You should totally write that.


And finally, today's poem:

Trever's Song
in memory of Trever Harris

In the space between slip and fall, the asphalt sky prickled with stars,
he felt a noise break in his heart, blood-rushed and ecstatic, jazz-boned,
the low swell of a saxophone gone berserk, a frenetic constellation
of notes jerked from his dreams and set earborne above the earth.

He heard dirt-tones and blood-chords, hunger-phrases and bone notes all
shaken like a gin martini and woven into flannel shirts, a muddy dirt bike ride
through his life hung as a mobile in the last of the summer nights,
the spooled sound of his body unspun, let loose, rain over Hornby Island.

And in that instant a light fired in his eye, and he spied his reflection
glimmer in the crystal flesh of the night, shatter-wise and dumbstruck,
silent in the bosom of the rushing wind, and soul tied like a marionette
to the sky, a huge net of sound parachuting him unharmed to the ground.

~Matt Rader

And that's it for National Poetry Month 2016. I hope you enjoyed some of it, at least. <3


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/838160.html.
people have commented there.

national poetry month 2016, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, darth vader would never put up with this, we make our own fun, poetry, the futility of being a mets fan, you should totally write that

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