I have another four hours of training today, which means I have to wedge all my work into the morning and also eat lunch much earlier than usual, which does not please me. Sigh.
The 100: Nevermore
I just found out that that was the title of this episode. Ha!
I was so worried for her, because I realized that while I'm still angry about stuff they've done, I'm also still invested enough to keep watching, but if they kill Raven, that's it for me. But she survived, and she and her beautiful big brain are going to DESTROY ALIE, which will be so satisfying. And what a tour de force performance from Lindsey Morgan. She knocked it out of the park.
I like how they used ALIE's control and Raven's knowledge to call out everybody on their terrible behavior, though I still think Clarke is letting Bellamy off the hook way too easily. Also, while in previous seasons I was mostly agnostic on Clarke/Bellamy, now I'm just like, NO NO NO. I mean, the queen and her knight, sure - that is exactly how Bellamy should be used. Raven is not wrong about that. But I am not down with a romance, not after everything Bellamy's done. It seems like Nylah at least finally got through to him. (I can't believe Nylah is played by the same actress who plays Bozzio on iZombie. Wow!)
otoh, the one thing the writers haven't ruined is Clarke/Raven, and I still ship it!
Poor Monty. I guess we'll never know what happened between Ice Nation and Farm Station, and Hannah was terrible without much characterization, but you never want to see a person have to kill their mom, even if she did turn him in to Pike. And maybe Jasper is finally getting his head out of his ass, because I am so tired of him and his over the top grieving. EVERYBODY'S LOST SOMEONE JASPER. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL. I did like that he insisted he was going to save them all and Clarke was just like, "I wish you had." Oh Clarke.
I didn't manage to stay awake for Orphan Black - I liked having it on Saturday and wish they hadn't moved it - so I guess I'll watch it this weekend.
Last night was also the fan pre-screening of Civil War, and ugh, I am going to have to go on an even more circumscribed tumblr regimen because I do not want to be spoiled! But if someone who saw it could reassure me that it's not a clusterfuck like AoU was without spoiling anything, that'd be nice. :D:D:D
And finally, today's poem:
Parachutes, My Love, Could Carry Us Higher
by Barbara Guest
"I just said I don't know,
now you are holding me in your arms,
how kind."
Parachutes, my love, could carry us higher.
Around the net I am floating,
pink &pale blue fish are caught in it,
they are beautiful, but they are not good for eating.
Parachutes, my love, could carry us higher
than this midair in which we tremble.
Having exercised our arms in swimming.
Now the suspension, you say,
is exquisite. I do not know.
There is coral below the surface, there is sand &berries
like pomegranates grow.
This wide net, I am treading water
near it. Bubbles are rising, &salt
drying on my lashes, yet I am no nearer
air than water. I am closer to you than land,
& I am in a stranger ocean
than I wished.
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