searching our hearts for so long

Mar 24, 2016 11:45

Four things make a post:

1. I have been enjoying the terrible reviews of Batman vs. Superman so much. SO MUCH. I know that this movie is going to make bank regardless but if terrible reviews and poor word of mouth means it fails to meet internal box office projections and has a severe dropoff after its opening weekend, I will be pleased, because ( Read more... )

batman, darth vader would never put up with this, tv: star wars rebels, tv: arrow, dreams

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vonniek March 25 2016, 02:30:40 UTC
I just read The Mary Sue review linked upthread and burst into laughter at "objectively, this is one of the ugliest movies I’ve ever seen, and I left feeling like I’d had just been yelled at by someone I don’t know on a bus." I have voluntarily watched about 3 1/2 Zack Synder movies in total, and that's 3 more Snyder movies than what anyone should subject themselves to. Like you, I am feeling an unseemly amount of schadenfreude over the terrible reviews! That poor cast though. That's a lot of decent actors (esp. in the supporting roles -- I am indifferent to Affleck and Cavill) wasted in a dour OOC punchfest.

(Maybe the critical backlash will be embarrassing enough that TPTB will hand over the rein to the rest of the DC movie franchise to someone competent? One lives in hope. Or delusion.)

Re. Arrow. I am so annoyed at the incredibly obvious plot machinations to keep Oliver and Felicity apart that... it's kinda made me quit shipping them. And it's giving me the sads. :( Both Amell and EBR knocked the emotions out of the park and I still like Oliver and Felicity as characters individually, but god, these writers are so terrible at writing romances. O/F worked as well as it did because it developed organically. Now they're being through contrived soap opera paces and ugh, this is not what I wanted with my unconventional ship.


musesfool March 26 2016, 13:01:00 UTC
I've only seen Man of Steel, and I hated what it did to Superman, so I didn't have high hopes for this, but the reviews are AMAZING. I mean, the movie is still unfortunately going to rake in the cash, but hopefully it falls short of internal projections due to how terrible it is, because my god, it's made of bees it sounds terrible, and, as you say, they hand over the reins to someone who actually understands the characters.

Otoh, Justice League is supposed to begin shooting in like 3 weeks, so I'm not sure they'll pull the plug that close in to filming.

O/F worked as well as it did because it developed organically. Now they're being through contrived soap opera paces and ugh, this is not what I wanted with my unconventional ship.

*nod nod*

I mean, I still ship it pretty hard, especially since they're never going to give me Felicity/Barry, but I just have to roll my eyes forever at the terrible writing to keep them apart. It's SO DUMB.


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