and you've got the faith that i could bring paradise

Feb 26, 2016 11:30

I am here to tell you a thing you probably already know, but sweet jebus on the half shell, if you are presenting something to a group, DO NOT READ THE POWERPOINT SLIDES WORD FOR WORD. Just don't do it. And especially don't do it when the meeting is running over and you got stuck at the end with the truncated time slot. (I also have strong feelings about how a chair should run a meeting, and also the general overusage of powerpoint, but I'm just there to take the minutes so what do I know?)


Legends of Tomorrow
Wow, they finally ditched the terrible flashback wig, but now poor Stephen Amell had to wear the terrible flashforward beard! At least he got a cool roboarm though. You know how much I like dudes with metal arms.

I am so amused they did Batman Beyond with him (I was kind of expecting the street gangs to be Jokerz, tbh, even though I know it wasn't possible). I'm less amused at how much the story didn't really make sense? but good job on casting a guy who looks like he should be punched all the time as Grant Wilson. (WHERE IS ROSE?)

On the plus side, John Diggle Jr. So even though this future isn't technically real, it's making me hope that neither Diggle nor Lyla dies since they don't have a second kid yet! On the down side, that was a waste of the name "Connor Hawke." I mean, why even do that except for the nice moment at the end where Ollie's like, "Either way, it's Green Arrow." On the upside, though, at least they didn't whitewash him? And there could be a different Connor Hawke in a different timeline. *hands*

I also enjoyed Cold and Heat as usual. Wentworth Miller is so entertaining! I can't help but love him as Snart. And Dominic Purcell looks like he's having a blast. Of course he names his flunkies Fonzie and Kenickie. Of course he wants that fugly fur coat.

The 100: Bitter Harvest
♥OCTAVIA♥ I hope she comes back and kicks Bellamy's ass posthaste.

Poor Monroe, we hardly knew you! At least Monty did the right thing in trying to save her. I feel like we need Monty's POV more, because it's his mom, so I can see why he'd go along, but I can't imagine any of these kids being okay with shooting up a grounder village not even from a moral standpoint, since clearly that ship has sailed, but just from remembering what happened a few months ago with Finn! I hope Indra or someone puts a bullet in the back of Pike's head and we can all move on, even if I can't see how they can bring Bellamy back from being party to that awful and unnecessary slaughter.

Aw, Abby and Kane. I might ship it a little.

So ALIE and the City of Light is going to tie in somehow to the Nightbloods and the Commanders right? Also, I did not see Polaris coming at all. Well played show!

I might have actually said, "HOLY SHIT" when Jaha didn't know who Wells was. What a great moment.

I knew they weren't going to have Clarke kill Emerson herself, but her letting him live is far crueler and more merciless. I mean "I hope you live forever" was ice cold.

Titus is torturing Murphy! As usual, I have no deep thoughts, but I'm very interested in seeing where
this is all going.


Here's a cool interview with Henrik Lundqvist.

I have the dentist this afternoon so at least I get to leave work early? Though it doesn't really work out in my favor since I was here an hour early both yesterday and today. Sigh. I'm very much looking forward to the weekend. I might just crawl under the covers and stay there for a while.


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