and nothing else around me looks the same

Feb 25, 2016 12:24

Arrow: Taken
Given that title, I feel like I should have a Liam Neeson joke at the ready and I...don't. I have failed this DW post.

HOW GREAT WAS VIXEN? MARI PLEASE COME AND PLAY IN STAR CITY ALL THE TIME. Bring John Stewart with you! I haven't watched the animated series, though I appreciated the joke that she and Ollie had an animated encounter, but now I want to! And Megalyn Echikunwoke was excellent in the role, I thought. Give her a live action show to anchor! I would watch it! (I was honestly surprised to see so many people in the AV Club comments didn't know who Vixen was. I would recommend they - and everyone else - watch JL/JLU for some awesome superhero tv experiences.)

While I absolutely think Felicity was well within her rights to break off the engagement, I think the show did not do a good job of explaining her POV. (Or maybe they just wanted Oliver to be more sympathetic? IDK) She would have gotten over him keeping William a secret because even she admitted that Samantha put him in a difficult position (I mean, I would have said, you could have told me and I swear I wouldn't have told! but maybe you also don't want to encourage him to break confidences? I don't know, that's a rough one), but then to discover that not only did several other people know (despite how they might have found out), that Oliver once again made a unilateral decision about things without once consulting her. He got advice from Diggle. He got advice from Mari. But at no point did he talk to Felicity about it. And it's not her decision to make - she even says that! - but dear god, if you're not consulting with the person you plan to marry and spend the rest of your life with on important life decisions, then yes, I think rethinking the relationship is necessary!

Otoh, having her actually GET UP OUT OF THE WHEELCHAIR AND WALK AWAY was...not good. Not good at all, show. I don't know what you were thinking, but that was not the emotional moment you were going for. Just. Not good.

Also, I am still tuning out during flashbacks so I know something happened and there was a cave, but beyond that, I got nothing.

Meanwhile, Thea remains the best, as does Diggle, and even Laurel and Lance got a nice moment last night. Plus Darhk is a hilariously fun villain. "Well that happened." I feel you, man. I totally feel you.

I'm a little scared that Diggle getting to be so awesome so often lately is pointing to him being the one in the grave, but I'm choosing not to think about that. La la la he can't die.

Star Wars Rebels: The Honorable Ones
SAW GERRERRA IS STILL RUNNING THE REBELLION ON ONDERON. I feel this is very important, even though I would prefer the AU where Steela is still alive and running it (...and shacked up with Ahsoka when Ahsoka manages to make it back there? I am just saying. Ahem.)

Even though this episode was wholly predictable, I thought it was a really good example of its type, and SHOCKINGLY, they've managed to give AGENT KALLUS of all people some depth and shading. WHO COULD HAVE EXPECTED THAT? Also, I did not realize that David Oyelewo voices him. Huh. Anyway, I wonder if that will tie in at all with Rogue One? Could Kallus eventually be a man on the inside for Phoenix Squadron? (also, I thought the Geonosians were still alive? According to the current comics? Eh, whatever.)


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