distanced from one, blind to the other

Feb 22, 2016 11:22

Instead of catching up on current tv on which I am behind, I spent most of Saturday rewatching The West Wing season 1. I stopped at "In Excelsis Deo" (I was headachy from crying afterwards) but I will get to "Celestial Navigation" - my favorite of the series and possibly one of the best tv episodes of all time - probably next weekend. And as much as I still love many things about the show, I'd forgotten how much I hated the Sam-Laurie storyline (ugh, Sam, please stop; ugh, Josh, stfu) and also how awful Mandy is. It's like her character is on a whole different show! I can only speculate that when the show swerved from being about Sam to being an ensemble, something in the way Sorkin wrote her didn't swerve with everyone else, because she is so tonally off that I can't watch her scenes. I mean, I also don't much care for Amy Gardner in the grand scheme, but at least she felt like she belonged in the same universe with everyone else. Mandy's out there on Mars when everyone else is in fictional DC. I think the only other character who was as consistently off and awful was that intern dude in season 5, the one who was the nephew of the Judiciary Committee guy, which I've mostly blocked from memory, but watching "The Supremes" last week reminded me of his existence.

Anyway, when I wasn't watching TWW or doing my weekend chores (cleaning out the fridge, taking out the garbage, etc. etc. my exciting life let me show you it), I was writing, so there was a story yesterday:

learn to live with what you can't rise above (at AO3)
Star Wars; Leia, Anakin; g; 1,990 words
Leia doesn't have time for the ghost of her dead father, except when she does.

Their relationship is so interesting to me and it gets absolutely no time in canon and ugh, just fuck me up, okay. I would read a million words about them interacting in all configurations. Bring on the AUs and the time travel and all the delights (and, I suppose, horrors) fandom is capable of producing. (Sadly, there doesn't seem to be a lot on AO3 that focuses on them specifically. At least not once you filter out the wsip. I mean, I love a well done Dad!Vader & Luke story as much as anybody [probably more than most, tbh], but Leia needs to get in on that. IJS.)


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/820719.html.
people have commented there.

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, tv: west wing, you should totally write that, the skywalker family tragedy

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